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Why do they call it Polish horseshoes?

Why do they call it Polish horseshoes?

Polish horseshoes actually uses a Frisbee instead of horseshoes, and the “Polish” part of the name is derived from the fact that you need two poles to play the game–thus, the game is “pole-ish.” To play Polish horseshoes, you need a Frisbee, two empty beer bottles and two poles.

How far are apart are Polish horseshoes supposed to be?

The game is played by the players taking turns throwing a Frisbee at a glass bottle that rests on top of the stakes in the ground. The two stakes are placed anywhere between 20 to 40 ft (6.1 to 12.2 m) apart. Players must hold a drink in one hand at all times, leaving only one hand free for throwing and catching.

How tall should Polish Horseshoes be?

Poles. For a proper DIY version of polish horseshoes, you’ll need two poles about 6 feet tall. Some players use shorter poles, but we prefer at least 6 feet or higher. A taller pole makes for better throws and gives the defense more time to catch the bottle when it’s knocked off.

Can Jam official rules?


  • Teams must have at least 2 players to play each week. There are no gender restrictions.
  • Teams are made up of 4 to 8 players. There are no gender restrictions.
  • 2 people play in each game – teams may switch out players at any time.
  • Teams will play as many matches as possible in 30 minutes.

How do you use a 3 hole washer?

Each player will throw their washers from the same side, to the opposite board. The first player will throw their 3 washers; the second player will then throw their 3 washers to complete one round. After all washers have been tossed, and scores are noted, players will move to the opposite board to continue play.

How tall is PVC pipe for Beersbee?

Purchase two 10 ft (3.0 m) lengths of 1.5–2 in (3.8–5.1 cm) PVC pipe. Find the PVC pipe in the plumbing section of a home improvement center. A diameter of 1.5–2 in (3.8–5.1 cm) is ideal so that the poles can be easily hammered into the ground as well as support a bottle or can.

How far apart are Beersbee poles?

How to Play Beersbee. Place poles approximately 36 feet apart, or to whatever distance desired to make the game easier and more fun! Then just increase the distance when you’re ready to make it more difficult. Teams 2 players is typical, but play with what you got.

How far away should can jam be?

You and a partner stand at opposite kans (which are placed 50 feet apart in regulation play) and alternate throwing and deflecting the disc.

How many points is a deuce worth?

Deuce Score Meaning in Tennis In tennis, deuce refers to a tie score of 40 where either player needs to win by two points for the game to conclude.

How do you make Beersbee poles?

Hacksaw, or any other saw for cutting PVC such as a miter saw.

  1. Step 1: Create the Platform for the Bottle to Sit On.
  2. Step 2: Cut the 1″ PVC for the Beersbee Poles.
  3. Step 3: Create the Base for the Beersbee Pole to Sit On.
  4. Step 4: Finish Your Beersbee and Get Out and Play!

What size PVC pipe do you need for Beersbee?

1.5–2 in
Purchase two 10 ft (3.0 m) lengths of 1.5–2 in (3.8–5.1 cm) PVC pipe. Find the PVC pipe in the plumbing section of a home improvement center. A diameter of 1.5–2 in (3.8–5.1 cm) is ideal so that the poles can be easily hammered into the ground as well as support a bottle or can.

How do you make a Beersbee pole?

DIY Polish Horseshoes or Beersbee

  1. Introduction: DIY Polish Horseshoes or Beersbee.
  2. Step 1: Create the Platform for the Bottle to Sit On.
  3. Step 2: Cut the 1″ PVC for the Beersbee Poles.
  4. Step 3: Create the Base for the Beersbee Pole to Sit On.
  5. Step 4: Finish Your Beersbee and Get Out and Play!

Can you use your body in can jam?

Can you use your feet or leg to deflect the Kan Jam disc? In our years of watching and playing Kan Jam, we’ve seen almost every body part used to defect a Kan Jam disc. As long as you do not double-tap the disc, you can use whatever part of your body is necessary to deflect.