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Where to find Silene vulgaris?

Where to find Silene vulgaris?

On mainland Europe Silene vulgaris is particularly common in southern countries including Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, and it is also abundant in northern Africa. In many other parts of the world Bladder Campion is an introduced species and is now naturalised in the wild.

What plant family is Silene?

PinksCatchflies / FamilyCaryophyllaceae, commonly called the pink family or carnation family, is a family of flowering plants. It is included in the dicotyledon order Caryophyllales in the APG III system, alongside 33 other families, including Amaranthaceae, Cactaceae, and Polygonaceae. Wikipedia

Is Bladder campion edible?

The Bladder Campion’s shoots and leaves (while still young) are edible raw or cooked. The young leaves taste sweet and go very well in a salad. When the young shoots are cooked, they have a flavor similar to green peas, but with a slight bitterness.

Why is it called Bladder Campion?

Bladder campion is a common wildflower found growing around the UK in meadows, grasslands and fields, and along hedgerows and roadside verges. It gets its common name from the bladder-like calyx (a bulge made-up of the fused sepals) just behind the flowers; it is in bloom from May to September.

Is Silene vulgaris poisonous?

Silene vulgaris – (Moench.) Garcke. Although no mention of toxicity has been seen for this species, it does contain saponins. Although toxic, these substances are very poorly absorbed by the body and so tend to pass through without causing harm.

Is Silene vulgaris invasive?

bladder campion: Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllales: Caryophyllaceae): Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. This map identifies those states that list this species on their invasive species list or law.

What is the meaning of Silene?

1 capitalized : a very large and widely distributed genus of plants (family Caryophyllaceae) having mostly showy flowers of various colors with a 10-nerved 5-toothed calyx and 3 styles and fruit with a capsule opening by 3 or 6 teeth — see bladder campion, catchfly, moss campion, wild pink — compare lychnis.

Why is Silene called catchfly?

It is called catchfly because of the white sticky sap that oozes from damaged parts of the stems, which snares small insects. Leaves rise up from stiff stems and have small gray green to silver hues.

Do bees like Bladder Campion?

Faunal Associations: Long-tongued bees pollinate the flowers; the flowers may attract moths as well. Two insect species that have been introduced from Europe, Cassida azurea (Neon Tortoise Beetle) and Cassida flaveola (Pale Tortoise Beetle), feed on the foliage, buds, and flowers of Bladder Campion.

What does Silene look like?

Red campion, Silene dioica, is a pretty, low-maintenence wildflower, bearing delicate pink flowers on tall, rich green stems. Eventually forming bold clumps, Silene dioica is often found growing wild in woodlands and roadside verges. It’s easy to grow and tolerant of most soils, but can struggle in acidic conditions.

What kills white cockle?

Group 2 combination products such as Precision Pac 23235, containing thifensulfuron, tribenuron and metsulfuron, and Precision Pac 2525, containing tribenuron with 2,4-D and dicamba or with the addition of MCPA, can be useful in controlling white cockle in spring wheat, durum and barley.

Does Silene need full sun?

Silene grows best in full sun or part shade and well-drained soil.

Is Red Campion good for wildlife?

Value to wildlife The flowers of red campion are important for various pollinating insects, including bees, butterflies and hoverflies.

Is Bladder campion a perennial?

How to identify Bladder Campion. This perennial wildflowers green bladder-like calyx with purple veins make it easily identifiable. The ragged looking white flowers, which grow at the end of the bladder, have 5 2-lobed petals and are roughly 2cm wide with long protruding stamens.

Does Silene bloom all summer?

An ideal plant for any landscape, silene has a natural ability to withstand dry conditions….How to plant and care for silene.

Botanical Name Silene
Soil pH 5-7
Bloom Time Spring and Summer
Flower Color Red, white, pink, sometimes blue
Hardiness Zones 5-8

How big does Silene grow?

Members of the Silene plant genus can be either hardy annuals or perennials. Plants range in height from 5 to 60 cm (2 to 30 inches). As they are a large genus, the blooming time of Silene genus members is species specific, ranging from Spring to early autumn.

Is white cockle poisonous to cattle?

Detrimental: The leaves and seeds of Cow cockle are poisonous to livestock.

How do I get rid of cockle on my cow?

Treat winter wheat from the 2-4 leaf stage in the fall or from the time growth commences to early flag leaf stage in the spring. For best control, treat cow cockle up to 4 leaf stage. Apply in the spring or fall when the majority of weeds have emerged and are actively growing.

Is Silene a perennial or annual?

Silene are annuals, biennials, or herbaceous evergreen perennials with attractive foliage and clusters of intriguing lantern-shaped blooms that flower throughout the summer months. They are best suited to flower beds and borders within cottage, informal and wildflower gardens.

Is red campion an annual?

Red campion is a perennial plant, which means it can live for a number of years, growing and blooming in spring and summer, and dying back in autumn.