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What is TCA architecture?

What is TCA architecture?

Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them.

What all comes under TCA?

What is TCA?

  • Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers.
  • Trading Community Architecture is the implementation of technology and applications to allow users to create and maintain relationships among entities.

What is TCA API?

Overview: Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is an architecture concept designed to support complex trading communities. This document provides information about how to create a customer using TCA API. These APIs utilize the new TCA model, inserting directly to the HZ tables.

What does TCA stand for?

Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) Screen.

What is Moac in Oracle Apps r12?

Multi-Org Access Control’ (also known as ‘MOAC’ in short form) is an enhanced feature of Release 12. MOAC enables users to access secured data in multiple operating units from a single responsibility.

What does TCA mean in business?

Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) is the study of trade prices to determine whether past trades were arranged at favourable prices—low prices for purchases and high prices for sales.

What does TCA stand for in sales?

Meaning. TCA. Transaction Cost Analysis. TCA. Thomas Cook Airlines (UK)

How do I define a customer as supplier in R12?

STEP 1 – Log in to Payables application and create a new supplier. This will create a new party record in HZ_PARTIES which is linked to the supplier record in vendors table. STEP 2 – Log in to Receivables application and go to Customer UI. Here query the party by name you used when creating the supplier in step 1.

What is Cust account?

A Customer Account is the single, centralized place to manage all billing information about your customers – including company and contact information and payment terms and preferred payment methods.

What TCA stands for?

Abbreviation for trichloroacetic acid; tricyclic antidepressant.

What is the full form of TCA?

TCA Full-Form: The full form of TCA is the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle.

What does TCA stand for in finance?

What does TCA stand for in banking?

Transaction cost analysis (TCA), as used by institutional investors, is defined by the Financial Times as “the study of trade prices to determine whether the trades were arranged at favourable prices – low prices for purchases and high prices for sales”.

What is Mo_global?

MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY is a function that returns a predicate for the WHERE CLAUSE. 2. The where clause will be appended to Table/Synonym/View for which Multi Org Row Level security is enabled.