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What is an example of a Revenue Code?

What is an example of a Revenue Code?

For example, the revenue code category 002-Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) is divided into revenue codes—0020-0021 Reserved, 0022 – Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PPS, 0023 – Home Health PPS, 0024 – Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) PPS and 0025-0029 – Reserved.

How are revenue codes assigned?

The National Uniform Billing Committee assigns revenue codes at the national level. These are shown in the UB-92 manual. Some revenue codes, including all codes ending in “9”, are assigned by the state uniform billing committees. These should be translated to the general category ending in zero.

Are revenue codes CPT codes?

Effective for claims received by ForwardHealth on and after August 24, 2012, certain revenue codes are exempt from the policy requiring all revenue codes to include a corresponding Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) or Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) procedure code on the same detail of an …

How many digits are revenue codes?

four digits
Revenue Codes have always been four digits and with this update we are updating the manual to reflect the four digit field as approved by the National Uniform Billing Committee, which has jurisdiction of the UB-92 (HCFA-1450).

What is revenue code 510?

The revenue code 510 is for the facility costs including the use of the space, materials and staff.

What is revenue code 360?

For instance, if you are using a 360 revenue code, you’re stating that the services rendered were performed in the operating room, and therefore, the procedure codes that match up with it need to be between 10000 and 69999, which are the surgical procedure codes range.

Do revenue codes require HCPCS?

Revenue code 250 does not require HCPCS coding. However, drugs that can be self-administered are not covered by Medicare.

Are revenue codes 3 or 4 digits?

Revenue Codes have always been four digits and with this update we are updating the manual to reflect the four digit field as approved by the National Uniform Billing Committee, which has jurisdiction of the UB-92 (HCFA-1450).

What is revenue code 120?

Room and board
Semi Private – 2 Bed

Revenue Code Description
120 Room and board
121 Medical/Surgical/Gyn
122 OB
123 Pediatric

What is a 270 revenue code?

Cardiac Rehabilitation. 0943. * Revenue code 270 should be reported only once on the outpatient claim. It is to be reported for medical or surgical supplies or both combined. Observation room services.

What is revenue code 520?

psychiatric hospitals. 520, 529, 940, 949. Noncovered revenue codes for general. hospitals billing psychiatric or. substance abuse services.

What is revenue code 200?

Small hospitals may bill revenue code 200 to represent either medical ICU (202) or surgical ICU (201) but code 200 may not be used to represent codes 203 thru 209.

What is revenue code 260?

Code. Description. 260. Intravenous therapy: general classification. HCPCS.