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What is a good answering machine greeting?

What is a good answering machine greeting?

Voicemail Greeting Sample “Hello, you’ve reached [name] at [company]. I’m unable to come to the phone right now. Leave your name and number, and I’ll return your call as soon as I’m free. Thank you.”

What’s the best voicemail greeting?

Voicemail greeting sample

  • “Hi! Thanks for calling [company name/your name].
  • “Hi! We’re glad you called [company name].
  • “You’ve reached [company name]. We can’t take your call right now, let us call you back!
  • “Thanks for calling [your company].
  • “Hi, you’ve reached [company name].
  • “Thanks for calling [company name].

How do you greet a customer on a call?

A great call center greeting should:

  1. Confirm the organization. Affirm to your customer that they’ve reached the correct call center.
  2. Confirm the department. “Hello!
  3. Give the representative’s name. Let the customer know that they’re being served by a real person, and not an impersonal automated system.
  4. Ask a question.

What is a good business voicemail greeting?

Hello, thank you for calling [business name]. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and a member of our team will return your call within 24 hours.

What is an external greeting?

Internal greetings are delivered to callers dialing you from another company 8×8 extension. External greetings are delivered to callers dialing you from anywhere else outside of your 8×8 phone network.

What is the best greeting?

Hello / Hi / Hey. As you almost certainly know already, “Hello” and “Hi” are the most popular greetings for informal situations.

  • Morning / Afternoon / Evening.
  • How are you doing? / How’s it going?
  • Nice to see you / It’s great to see you / Good to see you.
  • Long-time no see / It’s been a while.
  • How do you say hello in a cool way?

    So if you want to amuse your friends with exciting and catchy ways of saying ‘Hello’, the list below will come in handy:

    1. Hey, Sunshine! How are you?
    2. There’s My Pumpkin!
    3. What’s roasting, little poulet?
    4. Howdy-doody! Bring me up to date!
    5. Ghostbusters!
    6. More Tips To Make Any Greeting Fun.
    7. Wats poppin Chica?
    8. Waddup Brah?

    How do you say hello in a fun way?

    All The Funny Ways To Say Hello

    1. Hey, Sunshine! How are you? Your rays have already brightened my day!
    2. There’s My Pumpkin!
    3. What’s roasting, little poulet?
    4. Howdy-doody! Bring me up to date!
    5. Ghostbusters! Where did you guys come from?
    6. More Tips To Make Any Greeting Fun.
    7. Wats poppin Chica?
    8. Waddup Brah? Welcome!

    What can I use instead of Hi?


    • greetings.
    • howdy.
    • welcome.
    • bonjour.
    • buenas noches.
    • buenos dias.
    • good day.
    • good morning.

    How do I leave a friendly voicemail?

    Here are some tips for leaving courteous and business-like voicemails that will get returned.

    1. Think it through first.
    2. Introduce yourself.
    3. Speak slowly.
    4. Speak clearly.
    5. Mention your availability.
    6. Keep it short and sweet.
    7. Make sure your details are clear.
    8. End the voicemail professionally.