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What are the four principles of wikinomics?

What are the four principles of wikinomics?

The principles of Wikinomics Wikinomics is based on 4 powerful new ideas: openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally. These ideas are well developed and illustrated in the book entitled “Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything,” (2).

What does wikinomics mean in media?

Meaning of wikinomics in English a description of the way the relationship between businesses and markets has changed because of much greater involvement of customers and users directly with products or companies. This is a combination of the words ‘wiki’ and ‘economics’.

What is Nomic?

Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting. Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game.

What is the history of the game Nomic?

The initial ruleset was designed by Peter Suber, and was first published in Douglas Hofstadter ‘s ” Metamagical Themas ” column in the June 1982 edition of Scientific American. Hofstadter discussed Suber’s book The Paradox of Self-Amendment, in which Suber defined the game thus: Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move.

What is Wikinomics?

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything is a book by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, first published in December 2006. It explores how some companies in the early 21st century have used mass collaboration and open-source technology, such as wikis, to be successful.

What is the best way to play Nomic?

Nomic is particularly suited to being played online, where all proposals and rules can be shared in web pages or email archives for ease of reference. Such games can last for a very long time: Agora has been running since 1993.