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How do I insert a table in MediaWiki?

How do I insert a table in MediaWiki?

To start a new table row, type a vertical bar and a hyphen on its own line: ” |- “. The codes for the cells in that row will start on the next line.

How do I add content to a wiki page?


  1. Create or edit a wiki page.
  2. Place the cursor where you want the table of contents to be displayed.
  3. Click the Macros list in the editor toolbar. Note: If the Macros list is not available, ask the Wikis administrator to enable it.
  4. Select Table of Contents to add a table of contents to the page.

Is MediaWiki opensource?

MediaWiki is the free open-source wiki software used to power Wikipedia and thousands of other wikis. The contributions of hundreds of individual developers have helped make it a feature-rich, secure and scalable platform capable of powering some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world.

How do you add categories to a wiki page?

To add a page to a category, include ” [[Category:Category name]] ” or ” [[Category:Category name|Sortkey]] ” in that page’s wiki markup. The categories to which a page belongs appear in a box at the bottom of the page. A category is usually associated with a category page in the “Category:” namespace.

How do I create a category in mediawiki?

Creating a category page A category is created by creating a page in the Category: namespace. A category page can be created the same way as other wiki pages (see Help:Starting a new page ); just add ” Category: ” before the page title. To avoid extra work, try searching within your wiki before creating a new category.

How do I underline text in MediaWiki?

Other text formatting such as underline or blockquote needs to be done using HTML tags, including U for underline, TT for typewriter text, S for strikethrough, SUB for lower index and SUP for upper index.

How do I import a Microsoft Word document into MediaWiki?

Microsoft Office Word Add-in For MediaWiki saves documents from Microsoft Office Word straight into MediaWiki. LibreOffice also does a good job of reading MS Word and a usable job of exporting as MediaWiki wikitext. You can use the importTextFiles.php maintenance script.

Does MediaWiki support common attributes for columns in tables?

The MediaWiki syntax for tables currently offers no support for specifying common attributes for columns (with the HTML element ‎ ), column groups (HTML element ‎ ‎ ) and row groups (HTML elements ‎ ‎ , ‎ ‎ and ‎ ‎ ).

How to insert spaces between selected rows in Excel?

Click Insert > Module, then copy and paste below code to the module. 3. Press F5 key to run the code, a dialog pops out to remind you to select the working data. 4. Click OK. Now the spaces have been inserted between selected rows.

How do I convert JSPWiki to MediaWiki?

You can use to convert JSPWiki pages to MediaWiki format. The basis for this tool is php2mediawiki by Isaac Wilcox. php2mediawiki provided a convenient basis for this converter and the modifications added to it were introduced to support the conversion of the JSPWiki format.