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How do I change the collation in SQL Server 2008 r2?

How do I change the collation in SQL Server 2008 r2?

You can change the collation of any new objects that are created in a user database by using the COLLATE clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement. This statement does not change the collation of the columns in any existing user-defined tables. These can be changed by using the COLLATE clause of ALTER TABLE.

Can I change SQL Server collation after installation?

Option # 1: Using Transact-SQL to Change SQL Server Collation

  1. It is not possible to change the master database collation via T-SQL, for this we will see how to do that in scenarios 2 and 3.
  2. Changing the collation of the user database will not change the collation of the table columns belonging to the database.

What are the changes to the SQL Server collation?

All existing char, varchar, text, nchar, nvarchar, or ntext parameters and scalar return values for stored procedures and user-defined functions are changed to the new collation.

How do I set the database collation?

To set the database collation. Connect to the Database Engine. From the Standard bar, click New Query. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute.

How to change the server settings after collation?

1) Run sp_configure to find the current server settings,for this you have to set ‘show advanced option’ to 1. Now run the sp_configure command to extract the server settings. Copy the output into an excel sheet and save it in a safe location.You would need this after the collation has been changed.

How do I change the collation of a table?

1 Convert data in-place. To convert the collation for a column in an existing table, see Set or Change the Column Collation. 2 Copy data to new tables that use the new collation, and replace original tables in the same database. 3 Copy data to a new database that uses the new collation, and replace the original database.