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Are filter tips necessary?

Are filter tips necessary?

Pipettes are widely used in a laboratory to measure small volumes of liquids while carrying out experiments. Researchers, very carefully, select the pipette that suits their needs, is ergonomic, and of high quality & performance.

What is Finntip?

Finntip and Finntip Flex tips are engineered to make life in your lab safer, easier, and more successful. Designed and manufactured expressly for manual and electronic Finnpipettes, these tips are part of a Finnpipette system that has become a trusted standard of excellence for comfort, ease-of-use, and reliability.

What is a filtered pipette tip?

Filter tips are used to prevent cross contamination or “carry over” from one sample to another. When samples are aspirated into a pipette tip, a fine mist or “aerosol” is created, which can get into the pipette.

Can you autoclave filter tips?

Filter tips are not autoclavable. The blocking efficiency of filter tips is investigated using airborne particles.

What is the importance of using a filtered pipette tip?

Filtered pipette tips help to reduce the risk of aerosols forming in the laboratory. They also protect the pipette shafts from contamination and reduce the risk of cross contamination. These pipette tips are often used in contamination sensitive applications such as forensics and clinical diagnostics.

Can plastic pipette tips be autoclaved?

Most of the pipette tips can be autoclaved in their box and this is a preferable method, but you can do this procedure for a limited number of times (usually not more than 5 times). p.s. Plastic tips are cheap and you will lose a lot of time and probably more money by re-using them instead of buying new ones.

How do you sterilize plastic tips?

The Best Recipe for Sterilizing Pipette Tips

  1. Open the lid of the tip tray a tad—propping it up with the lid’s locking tab helps; a little tape can hold it in place—don’t wrap the box in foil!
  2. Run your dry cycle as normal.
  3. Let the damp tips dry in the warm autoclave (or transfer to a drying cabinet/incubator)

What are micropipettes used for?

A micropipette is a common yet an essential laboratory instrument used to accurately and precisely transfer volumes of liquid in the microliter range. Micropipettes are available in single channel and multi channel variants.

What is the use of filter tips?

Filter tips are generally accepted as the solution for preventing cross-contamination of samples during pipetting tasks in applications such as bacteriological work, PCR and radioimmunoassays.

What are filters in pipette tips made of?

Universal Filtered Pipette Tips These universal tips are manufactured from polypropylene and the filters are manufactured from polyethylene with a hydrophobic design to prevent liquids and aerosols from entering the body of the micropipette.

What should you do with used plastic pipette tips?

The pipettes should be placed in the receptacle so that the contaminated tips are submerged in the disinfectant. At the conclusion of procedures, the pipettes can be drained and transferred from the receptacle to a biohazard bag for treatment by autoclave, or disposal through the medical waste hauler.

Can you autoclave pipette tips with filters?

Excessive heat and/or prolonged time in the autoclave may cause warping of both the tips and the rack. Filter tips are not autoclavable.