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Why is REACH Regulation important?

Why is REACH Regulation important?

REACH is based on the idea that industry itself is best placed to ensure that the chemicals it manufactures and puts on the market in the EU do not adversely affect human health or the environment. This requires that industry has certain knowledge of the properties of its substances and manages potential risks.

Which regulation assess the risk of hazardous substances?

The COSHH Regulations
The COSHH Regulations require employers to assess the risk to their employees, and to prevent or adequately control those risks. Sometimes, it’s easy to judge the amount of exposure to substances and decide what you can do about it.

What does health and safety REACH mean?

REACH stands for registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.

What are Coshh regulations?

COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health and includes nanomaterials. You can prevent or reduce workers’ exposure to hazardous substances by: finding out what the health hazards are; deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment);

How do you determine REACH compliance?

To determine REACH compliance, companies must identify and manage the risks linked to the substances they manufacture market to the EU. They have to demonstrate to ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) how they’ve made sure the substance can be safely used without harming the end customer.

What is REACH in Coshh?

REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals. COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.

What legislation governs the management of chemicals at work?

COSHH, DSEAR and the asbestos legislation are all important regulations relating to hazardous substances in the workplace.

Why is it important to assess risk when using hazardous substances?

Assessing risk You need to know how workers are exposed, and to how much, before you can decide if you need to do anything to reduce their exposure. The COSHH Regulations require employers to assess the risk to their employees, and to prevent or adequately control those risks.

Is COSHH a legislation?

How does COSHH comply with legislation?

Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH Regulations), COSHH assessments are required by law, for any substances that are hazardous to health. So, to comply with COSHH, once you have identified these hazardous substances, you need to carry out COSHH assessments for them.

What are your COSHH responsibilities?

Employee Responsibilities under COSHH Ensuring equipment is returned and stored properly. Reporting defects/insufficiencies in control measures. Wearing and storing personal protective equipment (PPE) Removing PPE that could cause contamination before eating or drinking.

What is the legislation for COSHH?

What does COSHH legislation cover?

What does it cover? COSHH covers chemicals, products containing chemicals, fumes, dusts, vapours, mists and gases, and biological agents (germs). If the packaging has any of the hazard symbols then it is classed as a hazardous substance. COSHH also covers asphyxiating gases.

What is the benefit of COSHH?

Strict adherence to the CoSHH regulations will provide the following benefits to both employers and employees: Better understanding of Health and Safety legal requirements. Improved productivity due to lower levels of ill-health and more effective use of material. Improved employee morale.

What legislation relates to COSHH?

Three of the most significant pieces of legislation relating to hazardous substances are Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) and the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

How often should the chemicals legislation (excluding reach) be reviewed?

More information on the chemicals legislation (excluding REACH) fitness check The REACH Regulation includes the obligation for a review every 5 years to make sure that the regulation is fulfilling its objectives.

What does the European Commission’s chemicals strategy for sustainability mean for consumers?

The already widespread use of chemicals will also increase, including in consumer products. The European Commission published a chemicals strategy for sustainability on 14 October 2020. It is part of the EU’s zero pollution ambition, which is a key commitment of the European Green Deal.

What is the chemicals legislation fitness check?

The chemicals legislation fitness check aims to assess the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the legislative framework for the risk management of chemicals. It will identify excessive administrative burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies and/or obsolete measures.

What is the REFIT programme for chemicals regulation?

In the chemicals area, two parallel evaluation exercises will be undertaken as part of the REFIT programme, and will then be brought together in a stocktaking of chemicals regulation: The European Commission is conducting a fitness check of the most relevant chemicals legislation (excluding REACH) as part of the REFIT programme.