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Why does Griet have to become a maid?

Why does Griet have to become a maid?

While preparing a meal, Griet is told she is to become a maid for the house of Vermeer at 16, specifically to clean Vermeer’s studio.

What is the story behind The girl With the pearl Earring?

Girl With a Pearl Earring tells the story of Griet, a 16-year-old Dutch girl who becomes a maid in the house of the painter Johannes Vermeer. Her calm and perceptive manner not only helps her in her household duties, but also attracts the painter’s attention.

What does Catharina want to know about Griet?

Catharina is furious and wants to know whether Griet has stolen the earrings that she is depicted wearing in the portrait. Neither Maria nor Vermeer speaks up to explain what really happened. Griet denies stealing the earrings, but also does not reveal the whole story.

What does Pieter ask Griet about on their walk?

After one such meal, Pieter takes Griet into an alleyway and kisses her. He asks about her hair, which he has never seen… More summaries and resources for teaching or studying Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Who was vermeers wife?

Catharina BolnesJohannes Vermeer / Wife (m. 1653–1675)

Johannes Vermeer was born to Reynier Jansz, who was a weaver producing a fine satin fabric called caffa and was also an art dealer. The family was sufficiently prosperous. Vermeer later married Catherina Bolnes, a young Catholic, with whom he had 15 children (four died in infancy or childhood).

What is Vermeer’s style of painting?

Dutch Golden AgeBaroque painting
Johannes Vermeer/Periods

Why did Griet hesitant clean windows in Vermeer’s studio?

It does not take long for Vermeer to discover that Griet has an artist’s eye and awareness. She hesitates to clean the windows in his studio for fear of changing the quality of the light.

What happened to Vermeers wife and children?

He married a Delft girl but moved to Leiden where their five children—Vermeer’s great-grandchildren—were baptized as Catholics. Another son of Vermeer, Franciscus, became a master surgeon in Charlois, a village near Rotterdam, and later moved to The Hague.

What kind of subject is The girl with a pearl?

Vermeer’s subject is a generic young woman in exotic dress, a study in facial expression and costume. The work attests to Vermeer’s technical expertise and interest in representing light.

What does pearl stand for?

Acronym. Definition. PEARL. Pupils Equal And Reactive to Light.