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Who was the most popular composer of the Renaissance period quizlet?

Who was the most popular composer of the Renaissance period quizlet?

Luzzaschi was an Italian composer, organist, and teacher of the late Renaissance. he was the most famous composer in 16th-century Spain, and was one of the most important composers of the Counter-Reformation, along with Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Orlando di Lasso.

Who are the two important composers of the Renaissance?

The Top Famous Renaissance Composers

  • of 08. William Byrd (1543–1623)
  • of 08. Josquin Des Prez (1440–1521)
  • of 08. Thomas Tallis (1510–1585)
  • of 08. Pierre de La Rue (1460–1518)
  • of 08. Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)
  • of 08. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1526–1594)
  • of 08. Orlando de Lassus (1530–1594)
  • of 08.

Which of the following was a Renaissance composer?

Renaissance Composers (1430 – 1600)

Name Birth Nationality
des Prez, Josquin ~1450 Franco-Flemish
Dowland, John 1563 English
Francesco da Milano 1497 Italian
Gabrieli, Andrea 1532 Italian

Who was the most famous composer of the early Renaissance period?

Josquin des Prez
During the 16th century, Josquin des Prez (c. 1450/1455 – 27 August 1521) gradually acquired the reputation as the greatest composer of the age, his mastery of technique and expression universally imitated and admired.

Who was the most famous composer of the fifteenth century quizlet?

(ca. 1390-1453) Dunstable was the most highly regarded English composer of the fifteenth century. He composed in all polyphonic genres of the time.

Who was considered the greatest composer of the early 16th century?

During the 16th century, Josquin gradually acquired the reputation as the greatest composer of the age, his mastery of technique and expression universally imitated and admired.

How did composers during the Renaissance period enhance their compositions?

The advancements made in printing and music notation during the Renaissance allowed more instrumental music to be distributed throughout the educated public class, and this created more demand for the genre. As instrumental music notation improved, composers began writing specifically for instruments.

Who among this became famous composer during Renaissance period?

Monteverdi is one of the greatest composers of the Late Renaissance. His collection of compositions includes numerous sacred and secular works and he is rightly credited with developing the Italian operatic style that gave rise to so many breath-taking operas in later periods.

Who was the most famous composer of the fifteenth century?

Du Fay
Du Fay was the most famous composer of his time, and his music well represents the international style of the mid-fifteenth century. Many of Du Fay’s motets were written in three voices with a texture resembling the chanson. Du Fay and his contemporaries continued to write isorhythmic motets for ceremonial events.

Who is the author of The Prince and is considered the greatest Renaissance political theorist?

Niccolò Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance political philosopher and statesman and secretary of the Florentine republic. His most famous work, The Prince (1532), brought him a reputation as an atheist and an immoral cynic.

What influenced Renaissance music?

Inspired by the classical world, Renaissance composers fit words and music together in an increasingly dramatic fashion, as seen in the development of the Italian madrigal and later the operatic works of Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643).

How did the Renaissance contribute to music?

The Renaissance era of classical music saw the growth of polyphonic music, the rise of new instruments, and a burst of new ideas regarding harmony, rhythm, and music notation.

Who are the famous composers of medieval Renaissance and Baroque period?

Composers studied include Guillaume de Machaut, Josquin des Prez, Claudio Monteverdi, Guillaume Dufay, J.S. Bach, and G.F. Handel.

Who are the famous composers of Medieval Renaissance and Baroque period?

Who are the famous composers of Medieval and Renaissance music?

Medieval Composers (500 – 1430)

Name Birth Nationality
Abelard, Peter 1079 French
Adam de la Halle ~1237 French
Binchois, Gilles ~1400 French
Bingen, Hildegard von 1098 German