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Who was Jersey Girl written about?

Who was Jersey Girl written about?

wife Kathleen Brennan
That may be like learning that Brian Wilson didn’t pen “Surfer Girl” (he did), but “Jersey Girl” is a Tom Waits tune. It was written about his wife Kathleen Brennan and it appears on his 1980 LP Heartattack and Vine.

What is a Jersey Girl?

Jersey girl (plural Jersey girls): Noun. A woman, usually from New Jersey, characterized as loud and wearing bright clothing, far too much makeup, big hair and oversized gaudy earrings.

Who Tom Waits wife?

Kathleen BrennanTom Waits / Wife (m. 1980)Kathleen Patricia Brennan is an American musician, songwriter, record producer, and artist. She is married to Tom Waits and has been his main song-writing collaborator and producer since 1992. Wikipedia

Who wrote Jersey Girl for Bruce Springsteen?

Tom WaitsJersey Girl / Lyricist

Why is it called Jersey?

The name ‘Jersey’ is derived from the name of an island, off the French coast of Normandy (affiliated to the UK), whose natives have been known for knitting hardy wool sweater-like material for centuries.

What year did the song Jersey Girl come out?

1985Jersey Girl / Released

What does Tom Waits sing about?

Thomas Alan Waits (born December 7, 1949) is an American musician, composer, songwriter and actor. His lyrics often focus on the underbelly of society and are delivered in his trademark deep, gravelly voice.

How do New Jerseyans say water?

“Wataaa or wooder Instead of Water” Another popular one us New Jerseyans get picked on, but this one comes with a little twist. Those from North Jersey will say “wataaaa” with the second a sound like aw and dropping the r at the end, and those from South Jersey will say “wooder.”

Is jersey based on true story?

While some claimed that the film is based on the life of Raman Lamba, Nani and director Tinnanuri claimed that it is a fictional story.

Why do people say jersey instead of jersey?

(New Jersey was named in honor of the proprietor of East Jersey, George Carteret, who hailed from the Island of Jersey.) Because of this split, it was common to talk of “the Jerseys,” even after the provinces were united in 1702.