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Who runs Northampton General Hospital?

Who runs Northampton General Hospital?

Simon Weldon, Group Chief Executive Simon was appointed as Group Chief Executive for Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on 1 July 2020.

What does Northampton General Hospital Specialise in?

We provide provides general acute services for a population of 380,000 and hyper-acute stroke, vascular and renal services to almost 700,000 people living throughout whole of Northamptonshire.

How many people work at Northampton General Hospital?

4,875 staff
Northampton General Hospital (NGH) is an 800-bedded acute hospital. There are approximately 713 general and acute beds with 60 maternity beds, and 16 critical care beds. The trust employs 4,875 staff, including 531 doctors, 1,487 nursing staff and 2,857 other staff.

How many beds does Northampton General Hospital have?

700Northampton General Hospital / Number of beds

When was Northampton General Hospital built?

1744Northampton General Hospital / Founded

How old is Northampton General Hospital?

Our History Northampton is one of the oldest towns in the country and the first hospital, St. John’s in Bridge Street, was founded in 1138.

How many operating Theatres does Northampton General Hospital have?

About Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust We have 14 operating theatres, ITU and HDU facilities, and more than 600 beds. As a recognised cancer centre, we provide specialist care to a catchment population of 880,000.

Who runs Kettering General hospital?

Chairman: Alan Burns Alan is also the Chairman of Northampton General Hospital and has previously been Chairman of Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow and also of Hinchingbrooke Hospital. Before that, he has spent 24 years as a Chief Executive of a number of Strategic Health Authorities.

How old is Northampton hospital?

How old is Kettering General Hospital?

Kettering General Hospital
Opened 1897
Lists Hospitals in England

Which trust is Northampton General Hospital?

Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust.

Is Northampton a good place to live?

Northampton is the perfect combination of bustling urban life and peaceful countryside. There are plenty of green spaces to explore just outside of the town such as Sywell Country Park, Coton Manor Gardens, and Haddonstone Show Gardens, and stunning landscapes for walks and days outside.

How many staff work at Kettering General Hospital?

around 4,000 staff
We employ around 4,000 staff and are one of the largest employers in Northamptonshire.

How many beds does Kettering General Hospital have?

600Kettering General Hospital / Number of beds

Who runs Kettering General Hospital?

What is the best area in Northampton?

Top ten Northampton hotspots to buy in 2021

  • Abington. Abington is a highly sought-after area due to its close proximity to all major amenities and walking distance to the town centre.
  • Moulton. It’s a well-loved area for families.
  • Upton/St Crispins.
  • Spinney Hill.
  • Kingsthorpe.
  • Duston.
  • East/West Hunsbury.
  • Wootton.

What is the Northamptonshire hospital group approach?

This new approach would see our two hospital trusts and their leadership teams working in collaboration to strengthen health services across the whole of Northamptonshire, rather than working independently and, in some respects, in competition. Over the last year, we have taken some important steps towards creating our Hospital Group, for example:

What does an administrative staff do at NHS?

NHS administrative staff provide business support to clinical and non-clinical staff. As the largest employer in Northampton, we need the right people providing admin support across the hospital, whether it’s: ensuring our patients’ medical records are up-to-date

Why are there two hospital chief executives?

Because this is a collaboration and not a formal merger, we have strengthened hospital leadership teams to ensure appropriate focus on the needs of each Trust. Two Hospital Chief Executives have been appointed: Debbie Needham, KGH; and Heidi Smoult, NGH.

Is Simon Weldon the only accountable officer for each hospital trust?

Whilst both Chief Executives play an important leadership role, Simon Weldon remains the only accountable officer for both hospital Trusts. Clinical colleagues are working together to align our clinical services across the Group where appropriate.