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Who has the best twitter account?

Who has the best twitter account?

Most followed accounts on Twitter

Rank Account name Followers (millions)
1 @BarackObama 132.0
2 @justinbieber 114.2
3 @katyperry 108.8
4 @rihanna 106.8

What are the best twitter pages to follow?

Top 20 Twitter accounts to follow in 2021

  • Jack Butcher. Jack Butcher the mind behind Visualize Value is all about sharing big ideas using an easy-to-understand format.
  • David Perell.
  • Ed Latimore.
  • Danny Miranda.
  • Craig Clemens.
  • Ama.
  • Preethi kasireddy.
  • Sam Parr.

Is Dave Chappelle on twitter?

David Chappelle (@DaveChappelle) / Twitter.

How do I find a good twitter account?

10 Ways to Find Relevant People on Twitter

  1. 1) Add blog or website owners:
  2. 2) Use or your favorite Twitter directory:
  3. 3) Find “Top X″ lists and follow them:
  4. 4) Follow followers:
  5. 5) Use #FF:
  6. 6) Use Twitter’s “Who to follow”:
  7. 7) Follow the leader:
  8. 8) LinkedIn Connections:

Who has the maximum followers on Twitter?

Former US President Barack Obama, with his 131.4 million followers, is the most followed person on the micro-blogging platform. He is followed by Justin Bieber, who enjoys a 114.3 million followers on Twitter. Other people in the top 5 list include Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Does Kevin Hart have twitter?

Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) / Twitter.

What is Snoop Dogg’s twitter?

Snoop Dogg (@SnoopDogg) | Twitter.

What’s the latest trend on Twitter?

Twitter Trends – United States

S.No. Topic/Hashtag Tweet Volume
1 Friday the 13th 156,773
2 Kendrick 559,045
3 We Cry Together 59,969
4 #fridaymorning 10,580

Who has the most followers on Twitter 2020?

President Barack Obama
Who Has the Most Followers on Twitter? With 330 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. The most followed person on Twitter is currently former US President Barack Obama with more than 122 million followers.

Can you earn money on Twitter?

You can earn more than $3,000 per month from Twitter. However, the amount of money you earn depends on several factors. Those factors may include: The quality of your Twitter followers.

Who are the top 10 most-followed on Twitter?

Here’s how the top 10 most-followed use the platform…

  • Katy Perry.
  • Rihanna.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo. Followers: 98.8 million.
  • Taylor Swift. Followers: 90.3 million.
  • Lady Gaga. Followers: 84.5 million.
  • Elon Musk. Followers: 81.1 million.
  • Narendra Modi. Followers: 77.7 million.
  • Ellen DeGeneres. Followers: 77.5 million.

Who is the most-followed person on Twitter 2021?

As of April 2022, former U.S. President Barack Obama was the most followed person on Twitter. His account was followed by over 131 million people….Twitter accounts with the most followers worldwide as of April 2022 (in millions)

Characteristic Number of followers in millions
@barackobama 131.67

Can you get paid to tweet?

Most content creators on Twitter and other social media platforms make a considerable part of their revenue from sponsored content. You can become a part of sponsored tweet networks, which is where sponsored content is sold. For example, you can post a paid tweet from your Twitter account to sell products.

What is the most popular tweet ever?

The most-liked tweet ever is the announcement of the passing away of American actor Chadwick Boseman on August 29, 2020. He died due to colon cancer. The tweet has more than 7.1 million likes. On August 30, 2020, Twitter confirmed that it was the most-liked tweet ever.