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Where do I get a marriage license in Comal County?

Where do I get a marriage license in Comal County?

Marriage Licenses are by APPOINTMENT ONLY. The public may call 830-221-1230 ext. 1126 to make an appointment. The appointments should be restricted to the parties involved, no large groups.

How do I file for divorce in Comal County Texas?

How to File for Divorce in Comal County?

  1. Find and fill out forms relevant to your case.
  2. Bring your paperwork to a divorce court.
  3. Pay the filing fee and take the copies of the documents.
  4. Give a copy of the paperwork you filed to your spouse.
  5. Ask that your spouse signs the Answer or Waiver and a Decree.

How do I pay a ticket in Comal County?


  1. Phone.
  2. Main: 830-221-1100.
  3. Phone Directory.
  4. Emergency: 911.

Who is the judge of Comal County?

Comal County Judge – Sherman Krause.

What do you need to get married in Comal County?

Marriage ID Requirement Texas:

  1. Driver’s license.
  2. State ID.
  3. Passport.
  4. Military ID.
  5. Visa.
  6. Certified copy of birth certificate and valid photo ID.

What cities are in Comal County?

Canyon Lake
BulverdeGarden Ridge
Comal County/Cities

What is the county for New Braunfels TX?

Comal County
Comal County is a county located on the divide between the Blackland Prairies and the Balcones Escarpment. Its largest city and its county seat is New Braunfels. Some of the County’s most notable features are the Guadalupe River, Cibolo Creek, and Canyon Lake. As of the 2014 census, its population was 123,694.

Where do I pay my Comal County property taxes?

You can pay property taxes at 205 N. Seguin Ave. in New Braunfels, at 160 Oak Dr. in Sattler, at 30470 Cougar Bend in Bulverde or mail your payment to: Comal County Tax Assessor-Collector, P.O. Box 659480, San Antonio, TX 78265-9480.

What is Comal County property tax rate?

Financial Transparency in Comal County

Taxes: Sourse document
“Adopted” Property Tax Rate: 2020-$0.31900 2019-$0.322415 2018- $0.295191 2017- $0.307821
Effective M&O Rate: “No- New Revenue Maintenance & Operations Rate:” 2020-$0.287742 2019- $0.317215 2018- $0.326403 2017- $0.323377

What is meant by district court administration?

The district court is also a court of sessions when it exercises its jurisdiction on criminal matters under the Code of Criminal Procedure. The district court is presided over by a district judge appointed by the state governor with on the advice of chief justice of that high court.

How do I get married at the courthouse in Texas?

Each individual must provide a current state or federal photo id or a certified birth certificate. You must be at least 16 years of age to apply for a marriage license. Bring Money. A Texas marriage license will cost between $70 – $85 dollars depending on the county where you choose to apply.

Is San Antonio in Comal County?

Bexar County, which includes San Antonio, grew by 1.75% during the year, but its number of new residents exceeded 33,000….Comal County, Texas.

Comal County
Founded 1846
Seat New Braunfels
Largest city New Braunfels

What is the county for New Braunfels Texas?

What city is Comal County in Texas?

Where do I send my homestead exemption in Comal County?

in New Braunfels, at 160 Oak Dr. in Sattler, at 30470 Cougar Bend in Bulverde or mail your payment to: Comal County Tax Assessor-Collector, P.O. Box 659480, San Antonio, TX 78265-9480. Please enclose a copy of your statement with your payment and write the Property ID Number(s) on your check.