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Where are the braided rivers in NZ?

Where are the braided rivers in NZ?

Canterbury has the largest number of braided rivers in New Zealand. The seven alpine rivers that contribute 88 per cent of the flow within the region are all braided – namely, the Waiau Toa/Clarence, Waiau Uwha, Hurunui, Waimakariri, Rakaia, Rangitata and Waitaki Rivers.

What causes a river to be braided?

Braided rivers are a type of river that form a network of many branches within a channel. They often form when the bedload sediment is high compared to the suspended load, which then helps the development of bars, creating the braided character. Fast flow and steep gradients characterize braided rivers.

How many braided rivers are there in NZ?

This map below shows the braided reaches of the 163 braided rivers in New Zealand. The larger rivers from each region have been labelled.

What is braided river NZ?

Braided rivers form when sediment and gravel build up on the riverbed. Eventually the build-up becomes so high that the water, seeking the lowest path, begins to flow down a new channel. In this way the streams of a braided river are constantly moving across their wide bed.

Where do you find braided streams?

Extensive braided river systems are found in Alaska, Canada, New Zealand’s South Island, and the Himalayas, which all contain young, rapidly eroding mountains. The enormous Brahmaputra-Jamuna River in Asia is a classic example of a braided river.

Where is a braided stream?

Most braided streams occur where there are almost no lateral confining banks, as on large alluvial piedmont fans or sandurs, but in certain regions they occur in confined valleys (often “underfit”; see Streams—Underfit).

Are braided rivers fast or slow?

Braided river formations are common where water flow is slow and there is a build up of sediment in the river. This can cause changes in the direction of the river and create new channels.

What is the difference between a meandering river and a braided river?

Braided rivers are typically wider and shallower than meanders of similar discharge; they transport more bedload and scour and fill their beds more dramatically; and above all they erode their banks more rapidly, extensively, and unpredictably.

Where might we find the most braided streams?

Is the Mississippi river braided or meandering?

Over thousands of years, the turbulent meandering of the river has transformed the floodplain, creating oxbow lakes and cutting new channels into the surrounding landscape.

What is the difference between braided and anastomosing river?

Anastomosing rivers are similar to braided rivers in that they consist of multiple interweaving channels. However, anastomosing rivers consist of semi-permanent channels which are separated by floodplain rather than channel bars. These channels may themselves be braided.

What is the difference between a braided river and a meandering river?