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Where are Sanitas products made?

Where are Sanitas products made?

Where are Sanitas Skincare products made? Sanitas products are all formulated, manufactured and distributed from our corporate headquarters located in Boulder County, Colorado.

Who makes Sanitas?

Sanitas USA is a subsidiary of Keralty, a leading multinational health organization serving more than 5 million people with presence in Spain, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Where is Sanitas Skincare located?

All Sanitas products are cruelty free and contain no parabens, phthalates, dyes, harsh preservatives or gluten. We are proud to formulate and manufacture all of our products in our own facility in Boulder, Colorado.

Is Sanitas cruelty free?

Sanitas Skincare is Cruelty-Free And finally, their products are not sold in stores in mainland China or any other country that may require animal testing.

What is the meaning of Sanitas?

health, soundness of body sanity
health, soundness of body. sanity, soundness of mind.

How many locations does Sanitas have?

Sanitas Medical Center Locations | Over 50 Locations in 5 States.

Is Sanitas Skincare medical grade?

All Sanitas Skin Care products are non-toxic, pharmaceutical grade and the formulas contain clinical dosages to ensure maximum results.

What is the meaning of Sanita Sanitatum?

sanitas sanitatum, omnia sanitas. sanity of sanity, all is sanity (Ménage, 1693)

How do you get medical grade skin care?

The traditional way to buy medical-grade skincare is at your doctor or dermatologist’s office. Because of the more potent ingredients, it is first best to talk to your dermatologist or doctor to find out which medical-grade product is best for your specific issue.

What European country has the most beautiful woman?

Here is a list of the most beautiful women of Europe by country

  • Russia. Russian woman. Russian women have a reputation of being exotic all over the world.
  • Ukraine. Ukrainian woman.
  • Estonia. Estonian woman.
  • Germany. German woman.
  • Sweden. Swedish woman.
  • Lithuania. Lithuanian woman.
  • Poland. Polish woman.