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What was the exchange rate of dollar in 1947?

What was the exchange rate of dollar in 1947?

What’s been the value of 1 USD to INR since 1947 till date?

1947 4.16
1948 3.31
1949 3.67
1950 4.76

What was the exchange rate dollar and rupee on August 15 1947 *?

The Indian rupee was fixed to the British pound as one rupee = one shilling and sixpence. It is assumed that then the British pound = 4 USD (approx). So 1 USD was more than 3 rupees.

What was the value of 1 rupee in 1950?

1 Rupee Coins of 1950 have a value of up to 400 Rupees in uncirculated conditions. Fine to extra fine condition coin can give you from 80 rupees to 200 Rupees max.

What was the value of 1 rupee In 1857?

Among the earliest issues of paper rupees include; the Bank of Hindustan (1770–1832), the General Bank of Bengal and Bihar (1773–75, established by Warren Hastings), and the Bengal Bank (1784–91)….1800s.

[show]Indian silver rupee value (1850–1900)
1856 24.2 22.8
1857 24.6 22.9
1858 25.7 22.8
1859 26.0 23.0

What was the value of 1 rupee In 1975?

Value of Rupee over time (by year)

Period Value
1975 100
1976 92.37
1977 100.04
1978 102.56

What was the value of 1 rupee in 1974?

Value of Rupee over time (by year)

Period Value
1974 100
1975 105.75
1976 97.68
1977 105.79

What was the value of 1 rupee in 1857?

What was the value of USD to INR from 1947 till 2020?


Year Exchange rate (INR per USD)
1947 3.30
1949 4.76
1966 7.50
1975 8.39