What was life like after the 2004 tsunami?
Many lost family and friends. About half moved to camps that were set up for the displaced. The other half moved to other communities and lived with family or friends or rented homes. Fully two-thirds of the population in badly damaged areas moved away.
How did the Indian Ocean tsunami affect people’s lives?
](i)humanitarian toll: it affected more than 18 countries from Southeast Asia to Southern Africa, killing more than 250,000 people in a single day and leaving more than one million homeless,(ii)economic toll: it left several million of dollars of economic loss affecting fishing and tourist industries,(iii)environmental …
How many lives did the tsunami claim?
Between 1998-2017, tsunamis caused more than 250 000 deaths globally, including more than 227 000 deaths due to the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. Tsunamis can travel thousands of kilometres with speeds up to 800 kilometres per hour. Once they reach the coast, they can have devastating impacts on the community.
How did people survive a tsunami?
Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Drop to your hands and knees. Cover your head and neck with your arms. Hold on to any sturdy furniture until the shaking stops.
How many animals died in the tsunami?
Not many animals died in the tsunami that killed about 150,000 people. Sixty visitors were washed away from the Patanangala beach inside the park but only two water buffaloes died at the Yala National Park.
Do tsunamis hurt animals?
How do tsunamis affect the life of fish and marine animals? Tsunami currents increase strongly in shallow water where weaker corals can be broken by the force of the tsunami. Fish and marine animals are sometimes stranded on the land after they are carried by the currents to shore.
How do tsunamis affect animals?
Environmental impacts A tsunami changes the landscape. It uproots trees and plants and destroys animal habitats such as nesting sites for birds. Land animals are killed by drowning and sea animals are killed by pollution if dangerous chemicals are washed away into the sea, thus poisoning the marine life.
What are some fun facts about tsunamis?
The first wave of a tsunami is usually not the strongest, successive waves get bigger and stronger. Tsunamis can travel at speeds of about 500 miles or 805 kilometers an hour, almost as fast as a jet plane. The states in the U.S. at greatest risk for tsunamis are Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California.
How long did it take to repair the 2004 tsunami?
The results of these efforts are remarkable. Within five years, individuals were back in homes they owned, often on their original land, in communities with new schools and in many cases improved infrastructure.
How did the people respond to the 2004 tsunami?
World Vision built 12,000 homes, 200 Child-Friendly Spaces, 84 schools, 60 playgrounds, and 27 health clinics. We built roads, bridges, farms, factories, marketplaces, boat-building centers, and restored a fishing harbor.
Do fish swim in tsunamis?
Answer: It depends! Some marine animals probably won’t even notice that anything out of the ordinary happened. Others will be killed quickly and painlessly by the force of the tsunami. Still others will die later as a result of habitat destruction or water-quality issues caused by the tsunami’s passage.
What do fish do in a tsunami?
Some marine animals probably won’t even notice that anything out of the ordinary happened. Others will be killed quickly and painlessly by the force of the tsunami. Still others will die later as a result of habitat destruction or water-quality issues caused by the tsunami’s passage.