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What version is LEED 2009?

What version is LEED 2009?

1. A new resource, “Understanding the Changes: LEED 2009 to LEED v4. 1,” walks teams through the major differences in versions from LEED 2009 to LEED v4.

What are the 9 basic areas that address key aspects of green building?

About LEED LEED measures nine key areas of human and environmental health. These areas include sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, materials & resources, indoor environmental quality, locations & linkages, awareness & education, innovation in design, and regional priority.

What is LEED interior design and construction?

LEED for Interior Design and Construction (LEED ID+C) enables project teams, who may not have control over whole building operations, the opportunity to develop indoor spaces that are better for the planet and for people.

What are the 5 LEED categories?

The LEED® rating system has seven areas of concentration; Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation in Design Process and Regional Priority.

Is LEED 2009 still valid?

Oct. 31, 2016, is the last day to register LEED projects under any of the LEED 2009 rating systems. After that date, we will officially transition to LEED v4 as the only version of the rating system available for new LEED projects.

What is the current LEED version?

LEED v4.1
1 is the next generation standard for green building design, construction, operations and performance. LEED helps buildings to focus on efficiency and leadership to deliver the triple bottom line returns of people, planet and profit. Today’s version of LEED, LEED v4.

Can interior designers be LEED certified?

To obtain LEED AP ID+C credentials, an interior designer—who must be over the age of 18—will first have to pass the LEED Green Associate exam, which covers the basics of the LEED Green Building Rating Systems. (Keep in mind, it is possible to take the full LEED GA plus specialty exam (ID+C) at the same time.)

What version of LEED is current?

Today’s version of LEED, LEED v4. 1, raises the bar on building standards to address energy efficiency, water conservation, site selection, material selection, day lighting and waste reduction.

What is new in LEED v4?

LEED v4 adds a credit for “Site Assessment,” which encourages assessing a site’s condition before design for features such as topography, hydrology, climate, vegetation, soils, human use and human health effects.

What are the 9 categories of LEED rating system?

Nine Categories of LEED Credits:

  • Location & Transportation.
  • Sustainable Sites.
  • Water Efficiency.
  • Energy & Atmosphere.
  • Material & Resources.
  • Indoor Environmental Quality.
  • Innovation.
  • Regional Priority.

What are the criteria for LEED certification?

LEED Certification Minimum Requirements

  • Be in compliance with environmental regulations and standards.
  • Must meet the threshold of floor area requirements.
  • Meet a minimum of building occupancy in terms of number of users.
  • Maintain a reasonable site boundary.
  • Be a permanent building.
  • Share energy and water usage data.

What are the 4 LEED certification categories for buildings?

There are four levels of certification:

  • Certified (40–49 points)
  • Silver (50–59 points)
  • Gold (60–79 points)
  • Platinum (80+ points)