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What triggers AR precision?

What triggers AR precision?

One of the best triggers ever made, the Trigger Tech Diamond. For precision long-range shooting that demands a great trigger, this is the clear winner. Not cheap, but built to outstanding standards with an adjustable pull weight range of 1.5lb to 4lb.

Are Aero Precision triggers any good?

The trigger assembly fit my Aero Precision Lower perfectly and it functions well. I am very pleased with this product. While I’m sure that this fire control group would be reliable, it’s got a lot of gritty creep to it. Frankly, the stock triggers that PSA sends with their kits feel a lot better than this trigger does.

What trigger does Aero Precision use?

Geissele Super Semi-Automatic (SSA®) Trigger.

Where is Aero Precision made?

Q. Are Aero Precision products Made In America? A. Yes, all products available on our website are Made In America.

What is a two-stage nickel boron trigger?

The two stages of this trigger consist of an initial 2 lb pull that brings you to a “wall”, where the hammer and trigger are set to break for the shot. After that, it’s only a 2.5 lb pull to fire, helping you to make accurate shots with short resets in between.

How many lbs is a mil-spec trigger?

Generally, the pull weight is about 6.5lbs. The ALG Defense QMS trigger is an enhanced standard trigger so maintenance and installation procedures are unchanged. Trigger assembly parts may be interchanged between triggers, there are no matched sets.

Who owns Aero Precision?

Odyssey Investment Partners
Aero Precision is owned by a fund managed by Odyssey Investment Partners. It has stocking distribution agreements in place with Honeywell, Collins Aerospace, Parker, Eaton and more. Kellstrom Defense provides support to the US military and customers in more than 60 partnering nations.

Who makes PSA nickel boron trigger?

local_shipping FREE SHIPPING

SKU 5165458403
Brand Palmetto State Armory
Model Number 5165458403
UPC 5165458403

How does a two stage trigger work?

Instead of firing as one smooth range of motion like a single-stage trigger, a two-stage trigger requires an extra pull range to facilitate firing. The trigger is pulled until the trigger pull weight changes; pulling beyond that point discharges the firearm.

What states are binary triggers legal?

However, to save you some time, here is a partial list of states that say “no” to binary triggers.

  • California.
  • Connecticut.
  • Delaware (only for rifles. Binary triggers for pistols are legal)
  • Hawaii.
  • Iowa.
  • Maryland.
  • New Jersey.
  • New York.