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What programs are covered under MyCAA?

What programs are covered under MyCAA?


  • Online Continuing Ed Certificate Program.
  • (ASM Code:A+100B) | CompTIA A+ Certification Training | Boot Camp | LIVE Instructor-Led Training | All-Inclusive with Exam Vouchers.
  • 40hr Meditation Training.
  • A+ and Desktop Service Technician Certification with exam.
  • A.A. in Humanities.

What can you do with MyCAA?

The MyCAA scholarship can be used to cover the tuition of programs that provide certificates, licenses, or associate degrees with a specified concentration or major leading to an approved portable career.

Does MyCAA give you a laptop?

We are very excited that our MyCAA-approved programs include a laptop for all military spouses who sign up using this funding! This is a big deal because, with the online format of our CareerStep training programs, including laptops ensures that military spouses can study from anywhere they have an internet connection.

How many times can you get MyCAA?

Is MyCAA a One-Time Thing? While you can only receive the scholarship one time, you can continue to use the funds as long as you fit within the eligibility requirements. There is a $2000 cap per fiscal year but, if your course and certification costs exceed that amount, then more can be used up to the total $4000.

What will MyCAA pay for?

What Will MyCAA Pay For? The MyCAA Scholarship pays tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to an associate degree (excluding associate degrees in General Studies, Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies that do not have a concentration).

Do I have to pay back MyCAA?

But even if you accept funding and don’t follow through on your training, you won’t have to pay the money back. That said, keep in mind that if you drop out of a course or fail, your MyCAA funds will be frozen. You’ll need to speak to a program counselor to continue your training and career path.

What happens if you fail a class with MyCAA?

That said, keep in mind that if you drop out of a course or fail, your MyCAA funds will be frozen. You’ll need to speak to a program counselor to continue your training and career path.

How much do I get with MyCAA?

MyCAA: Scholarship for MilSpouses. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides eligible military spouses with up to $4,000 in financial assistance for licenses, certifications, national tests or associate degrees to pursue an occupation or career field.

Do you have to pay back MyCAA grant?

Can I use fafsa with MyCAA?

You’ll want to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, also known as FAFSA, in addition to completing your MyCAA application. The combination of these resources will help you offset education costs.

Do military spouses get FAFSA?

MyCAA. MyCAA (My Career Advancement Account) is a program designed to provide financial aid for military spouses (who are eligible) pursuing portable career fields.

Do military spouses qualify for Pell Grant?

As the dependent of a veteran or an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you may be entitled to financial assistance to help you meet your educational goals. Dependents are certainly welcome and eligible to apply for general financial aid as well, including Pell Grants and Stafford Loans.

Why do military marry fast?

The military’s solution is to incorporate families in their entirety, and it pays the full relocation costs for each family member — as long as they are married. This policy causes people to marry earlier than they had planned to, and sometimes to people they would not otherwise have married.

Why do military get married in uniform?

Some people love their uniforms and are proud to wear it. Others, however, find them uncomfortable and want to wear something else on their wedding day. The service member can choose to wear a civilian tuxedo or wedding dress. It is not an official military event, so a uniform is optional.