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What muscles do side raises work?

What muscles do side raises work?

Lateral raises work the trapezius muscle in your upper back as well as the deltoid muscle group in your shoulders—particularly the anterior and lateral deltoids. With the proper form, lateral raises enhance muscle growth (a process known as hypertrophy) and increase your range of motion.

Do side raises do anything?

The lateral raise or side lateral raises are effective shoulder-strengthening exercises that help tone your shoulder muscles and a part of the upper back muscles. Lateral raise exercise targets the deltoid muscles and some trapezius fibers as well.

Do side raises build muscle?

The Lateral Raise is a popular exercise that builds larger deltoids, which are the rounded muscles on the top of your arms at your shoulders. It’s a simple exercise to perform but it’s often performed incorrectly, resulting in shoulder discomfort or pain.

Why lateral raises are so good?

The rear lateral raise isolates your rear deltoid. Targeting this muscle helps to strengthen, tone, and stabilize your shoulders and upper body. Strong deltoids help with pressing, pulling, and overhead movements. This makes it easier to complete your athletic and daily activities while reducing your risk of injury.

How do you do a single dumbbell shoulder raise?

Place one hand on either side of a dumbbell and let it hang between your legs, positioned shoulder width apart. Lift the dumbbell directly above you, keeping your arms extended, then lower it back down and repeat.

Should you lift heavy for lateral raises?

Beginners. New trainees looking to implement the lateral raise to build their shoulders should stick to lighter weights that allow the middle deltoid to be trained in isolation.

Can I go heavy on lateral raise?

Train The Deltoid. It’s a common belief that if you want to go heavy during lateral raises, you have to bend your elbows. The more weight you lift; the more you bend your elbows. Some people even bend their elbows up to 90 degrees! Try to correlate this movement with a Lever Arm movement in physics.

Why are side arm raises so hard?

It’s an isolation exercise Lateral raises are an isolation exercise, meaning they are predominantly powered by one muscle. In this instance, it’s the deltoid – the shoulder. “Isolation exercises will typically feel harder,” Chrismas says. “That’s because you can’t use multiple muscles to create force.