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What kind of sandpaper do I need to sand a dresser?

What kind of sandpaper do I need to sand a dresser?

A 180-grit sandpaper does the job if you’re planning to re-coat the dresser with paint or varnish. If you won’t be applying a finish coat, put some extra effort into smoothing the wood by sanding it down with 220-grit sandpaper.

Do you have to sand a dresser before staining it?

Sanding and staining are important steps in achieving a professional finish on a wood dresser. Sanding smooths the wood grain during the prep phase and removes dust during the finishing phase. The correct application of stain offers rich tones that enhance the dresser’s natural beauty.

What do you do after you sand a dresser?

After sanding, wipe the piece down with a tack cloth to pick up sawdust. If you’ve tried sanding and the paint will not budge, there’s another option: chemical paint stripper. Working with such a product absolutely requires good ventilation and proper protective gear.

How do you sand a dresser before staining?

Sand the dresser using a medium-grit sandpaper, moving with even pressure and in the direction of the grain. Sand thoroughly, including all details. Wipe down with a tack cloth to remove dust. Sand again with a finer-grit sandpaper.

How much sanding Do I need to remove stain?

The only real solution is to remove the top layer of wood by sanding, and light-duty sandpaper just won’t cut it. The best all-purpose sandpaper for removing stain is 100-grit.

How do you sand and refinish a wood dresser?

How to Refinish Your Wood Dresser or Table

  1. Step 1: Choose a Stain.
  2. Step 2: Remove Hardware, Drawers and Clean Surfaces.
  3. Step 3: Remove Old Finish.
  4. Step 4: Apply Sanding Sealer.
  5. Step 5: Start Staining.
  6. Step 6: Finish It.

How long should it take to sand a dresser?

Sanding a piece of furniture shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. When you picture yourself sanding a furniture piece, you might envision yourself sanding away with a small piece of sander for hours to get every bit of old stain or paint.

How do you refurbish an old wood dresser?

How to Refinish a Dresser

  1. Step 1: Choose a Stain.
  2. Step 2: Remove Hardware, Drawers and Clean Surfaces.
  3. Step 3: Remove Old Finish.
  4. Step 4: Apply Sanding Sealer.
  5. Step 5: Start Staining.
  6. Step 6: Finish It.

What kind of paint do you use on an old dresser?

As I mentioned before, you can really use any type of paint using this method. Plain latex paint will work just fine, as will chalk paints and other specialty furniture paints.

How do you stain already stained wood?

To darken stained wood, you can clean and lightly sand the surface of your wood project, and then apply the new darker stain to the surface. Since your goal is to darken the stain, you can add a darker tone on top of the existing stain, which is easier than removing a darker tone.

How do you Restain a dresser?

How do you strip and Restain a dresser?

What do I need to sand a dresser?