What is the story behind Job?
This legend concerns Job, a prosperous man of outstanding piety. Satan acts as an agent provocateur to test whether or not Job’s piety is rooted merely in his prosperity. But faced with the appalling loss of his possessions, his children, and finally his own health, Job still refuses to curse God.
What is the moral to the story of Job?
You seek comfort from your friends, as Job did. Friends castigate you for complaining, for not getting on with your life, for blaming others when you should look inward for responsibility.
What happened to Job in the end?
G-d then turns up, confirms this position and tells everyone that Job is a righteous man and that the three people who mocked him should make a sacrifice and that Job will forgive them. The story ends with Job receiving his wealth back several fold, having another 10 children and living for another 140 years.
What does Job say about God?
Job was reduced to sitting amidst the rubble of his once-prosperous life. After the loss of everything he held worthwhile, he still proclaimed: “Though He [God] slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15).
What race was Job in the Bible?
…the Old Testament Book of Job (chapters 4, 5, 15, 22), one of three friends who sought to console Job, who is a biblical archetype of unmerited suffering. The word Temanite probably indicates that he was an Edomite, or member of a Palestinian people descended from Esau.
What kind of sickness did Job have?
Causes. Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome is also called Job syndrome. It is named after the biblical character Job, whose faithfulness was tested by an affliction with draining skin sores and pustules. People with this condition have long-term, severe skin infections.
What killed Job in the Bible?
Job’s nameless wife turns up after the final blow, after Job has been struck with boils. Seeing her husband sitting in the dust, scraping his sores silently, she bursts out, “Do you still persist in your integrity? Curse God, and die” (2:9).
What all did Job lose?
In the well-known biblical story dealing with the problem of undeserved suffering, Job loses his children, his possessions, and his health. Job’s nameless wife turns up after the final blow, after Job has been struck with boils.
Why did Job get boils?
The decision was made to call the disorder Job’s syndrome, recalling the boils afflicted upon the biblical character Job as a test that emerged from an exchange between G-d and Satan. (2:7 So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot even unto his crown.)
What was God’s three messages for Job?
(I) God is making Job suffer. (2) A just God would not cause an innocent person suffer as Job has suffered. (3) God is just. (4) Job is innocent of any wrong-doing serious enough to justify the punishment he has received.
What was Job afflicted with?
This time, Job is afflicted with horrible skin sores. His wife encourages him to curse God and to give up and die, but Job refuses, struggling to accept his circumstances. Three of Job’s friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, come to visit him, sitting with Job in silence for seven days out of respect for his mourning.