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What is the role of TBCU in strengthening the national TB control efforts?

What is the role of TBCU in strengthening the national TB control efforts?

To ensure early detection and treatment, and to curtail the spread of TB, the Tuberculosis Control Unit (TBCU) carries out contact tracing and screening of close contacts to ensure that those at risk of infection are tested and receive appropriate treatment.

What is TB DOTS program in the Philippines?

The Lung Center of the Philippines TB DOTS Clinic caters to adult afflicted with TB since early 2000 and children with TB in 2007. It is the first public health facility engaged in implementing Programmatic Management for Drug resistant TB in 2005 as a satellite treatment center under the Green Light Committee.

When did India launch Rntcp?

Introduction: The Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), based on the internationally recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy, was launched in 1997 expanded across the country in a phased manner with support from World Bank and other development partners.

What are the four strategic pillars of TB control Programme?

According to the NSP TB elimination have been integrated into the four strategic pillars of “Detect – Treat – Prevent – Build” (DTPB).

Is TB-DOTS free in the Philippines?

TB treatment is free in public hospitals, clinics and health centers.

How do you avail TB-DOTS?

For Lifetime members, they must present their Lifetime Membership Program ID to avail of the benefit. On the other hand, Overseas Filipino Workers and Sponsored members may avail themselves of the treatment benefit within the date of effectivity of membership as stated in their ID card or Eligibility certificate.

What is the new name of RNTCP?

It is no longer known as the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), and has been rechristened as the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP). The change in name is in line with the larger goal of eliminating the disease by 2025, five years ahead of the Sustainable Development Goals target.

WHO launched RNTCP?

The Government of India revitalized NTP as Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) in the same year. DOTS was officially launched as the RNTCP strategy in 1997 and by the end of 2005 the entire country was covered under the programme.

How many types of DOTS are there?

Directly Observed Treatment, Short- course (DOTS) is the most effective way to ensure cure. There are three categories of treatment: Categories I, II and III and each has an Intensive Phase and Continuation Phase. During the Intensive Phase, you must directly observe the patient swallowing every dose of medicine.

What is the new name of Rntcp?

Is TB covered by SSS?

She also added clarified to Naval that appropriate compensation for TB benefits will come from the Employees Compensation Commission (ECC), Social Security System (SSS), and Philhealth.

Are DOTS free?

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