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What is the purpose of an articulation agreement?

What is the purpose of an articulation agreement?

Articulation agreements exist between many colleges, yet the majority of community college students have no idea what they are. An articulation agreement is designed to create a seamless transfer experience for students moving from community college to four-year institutions.

What is CTE transition?

CTE Transitions (formerly known as Tech Prep) is a technical and academic preparation program that enables high school students to prepare for a career and college at the same time. Students can even earn college credits while still in high school! CTE Transitions is a bridge that connects learning to careers.

Where can you find an articulation agreement for CSU UC schools?

Go to CSU Articulation page.

  • University of California (UC) Articulation. Here you will find general education requirements, online catalogs, and additional articulation resources for the 10 UC campuses.
  • Private & Out-of-State Colleges Articulation.
  • High School to College.

What do you believe about teaching CTE?

CTE prepares students to be productive members of society in the 21st century. CTE teaches students the academic and technical skills necessary for high-demand careers and makes learning relevant! CTE educators believe in what they do and go the extra mile for their students.

Is assist org accurate?

ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer in California.

What does no course articulated mean?

What does “No Course Articulated” mean? If displays “No Course Articulated” for one of your university’s major requirements, this means that BCC does not offer any course that the university sees as equal to that specific requirement.

What does articulation mean in college?

Articulation is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) from a “sending” campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus.

What is the articulation process?

Definition: The articulation process is the modification of sound waves produced by the airstream, phonation, and oral-nasal processes.

What are CTE pathway standards?

Organized into California’s 15 high-employing industry sectors, the CTE standards are designed to assist schools in developing curriculum and measuring student achievement. Each standard is aligned with one or more Common Core English language arts and mathematics standards.

Why are CTE teachers important?

In fact, 91% of all high school graduates who earned two or three CTE credits then went on to post-secondary education. So CTE does more than teach students. It helps them launch into careers. It helps them pursue further education.

What does no course articulated mean on assist?

What is the purpose of assist org?

The ASSIST system ( is the official statewide database and online resource that shows prospective California transfer students how courses they complete at a community college may be used to satisfy elective, general education and major requirements at a CSU or UC campus.

What does it mean for a course to be articulated?

An articulated course is a course taken at one college or university that can be used to satisfy subject matter requirements (major or general education) at another institution.