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What is the iconography of Shiva?

What is the iconography of Shiva?

Shiva means God who cannot be contained by space or time, God who needs no form. His symbol ‘Lingam’ of the phallus represents his reproductive power. His guardian is Nandi (the white bull) whose statue can be found watching over the main shrine. The bull is said to embody sexual energy, fertility.

What are the 5 aspects of Shiva?

The five-faced mukhalinga is called pancha-mukhalinga. The five faces relate Shiva to the classical elements, the directions, the five senses and five parts of the body. These represent Shiva’s five aspects: Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha and Ishana.

What is the characteristics of Shiva image?

In his representations as a man, Shiva always has a blue face and throat. Strictly speaking his body is white, but images often show him with a blue body too. The extra eye represents the wisdom and insight that Shiva has. It is also believed to be the source of his untamed energy.

Why are Shiva eyes half open?

Often Shiva is shown with half open eyes, signifying the never ending, ongoing nature of the birth and destruction of the universe. When the eyes are completely closed it signifies the dissolution of the universe and when it is completely open a new cycle of creation begins.

What is the shape of Shiva?

It is a smooth cylindrical mass. Often it rests in the centre of a lipped, disk-shaped object, the yoni, which is an emblem of the goddess Shakti. Ancient Sanskrit texts such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas relate narratives that identify the lingam as the phallus of Shiva.

Which element is Shiva?

The five syllables Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya that are evoked in the praise of Shiva indicate the five elements, known as PanchBhoota in Sanskrit, Prithvi (Earth), Apas (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether).

What is the Favourite Colour of Lord Shiva?

Originally Answered: What is Lord Shiva’s favorite color? For puja purposes, “White”.

Who is the God of third eye?

The image of Shiva, as portrayed among Hindus, contains common symbols representative of his superiority. One of these symbols is his third eye, seen in the centre of his forehead; hence he is often referred to as Tryambaka Deva (literally meaning “three-eyed lord”).

What happens if Lord Shiva opens his third eye?

It is said that Shiva’s third eye allows him to see beyond the apparent, something that the other two eyes cannot perceive. It is also recognised as a powerful emblem in Shiva, protecting the good from evil. According to legend, when the third eye opens, all darkness and ignorance are annihilated.

How can I live my life according to Lord Shiva?

11 Lessons From Lord Shiva You Can Apply To Your Life

  1. Come what may, you must never tolerate evil.
  2. Self-control is the key to living life to the fullest.
  3. Keep calm and carry on.
  4. Materialistic happiness never stays for long.
  5. You must learn how to suppress negativity gracefully.

What is Pancha Lingam?

Pancha indicates “five,” Bhoota means “elements,” and Sthala means “place.” The temples are located in South India, four in Tamil Nadu and one in Andhra Pradesh. The five elements are believed to be enshrined in the five lingams of the temples, with each lingam named based on the element represented.