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What is the difference between Wordsworth and Coleridge?

What is the difference between Wordsworth and Coleridge?

According to Coleridge, a poet is a great philosopher. No man can be a poet without philosophic knowledge. But Wordsworth thinks that a poet is affected more than other men by absent things as if they were present. He can share the emotional experiences of others.

How does Eliot Criticise Wordsworth’s poetic theory?

The poet must be objective in his poetic creation. So Eliot rejects the theory of poetry of Wordsworth. He declares that “emotions recollected in tranquility” is an inexact formula. He points out that in the process of poetic composition, there is neither emotion, nor recollection, nor tranquility.

How are Wordsworth and Blake different?

William Wordsworth was one of the more well-known poets in the Romantic Era. William Blake, on the other hand, was one of the lesser known but still significant poets. They each had a style to their poetry, with William Blake being more a sing-songy voice with Wordsworth telling his poetry like a story.

What is the difference between a poet and a common man?

A poet has a more lively sensibility than them. He has a greater degree of imaginative power than other men. He has a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul than them. He has a greater power of expression and a greater ability at communicating himself than the common men.

What is Eliot’s theory of poetry?

Eliot’s impersonal theory of poetry is that the poet, the man, and the poet, the artist are two different entities’. The poet has no personality of his own. He submerges his own personality, his own feeling, and experience into the personality and feelings of the subject of his poetry.

What are characteristics of William Wordsworth’s poetry?

Some of the main features of Wordsworth’s poetry are a spiritual veneration for nature, a dislike for modernity, an interest in the individual and the imagination, a fascination with childhood, and the employment of common language.

How is Wordsworth different from other Romantic poets?

In his poetry Wordsworth portrayed mountains as the symbol of loneliness and Keats’ portrayal of darkness reflecting glooms and windy mossy ways made both the poets different from other poets who wrote about nature (Goodman, 2007, p. 22).

How Keats is different from other Romantic poets?

John Keats is the most romantic poet, therefore, he is the most escapist of them all. When he remains failed to face harsh realities of life, he finds pleasure in his imagination, where he creates a world of his own. He enjoys the company of birds, flowers, landscapes, mountains and rivers in his imagination.

What are the characteristics of a poet according to Wordsworth?

A poet differs from an ordinary man not in kind but in degree. Because he has a comprehensive soul which rustic people do not have. He is endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness. He has a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul.

What is the language of poetry according to Wordsworth?

The language of poetry is the language of common people. He boldly proclaims that there is no essential difference between the language of prose and that of metrical composition. In fact, with the publication of this ” preface “, Wordsworth started the Romantic Revival.

What kind of poet is William Wordsworth?

William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was an English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (1798).