What is the difference between DCS & CTCSS?
CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) uses continuous tones below 300 Hz whereas DCS (Digital-Coded System) uses digital data or encoded-words which are very unique and all encoded words can be used on the same channel without interference.
What does PL tone stand for?
PL Tone stands for Private Line Tone, DPL is Digital Private Line. It is a sub-frequency that filters out other radio user’s transmissions on the same frequency in the area. You can and should still “monitor” the frequency first before transmitting of the channel.
Is PL tone the same as CTCSS?
CTCSS is often referred to as a “PL” tone by many users. Many repeaters require the use of a PL tone to access the repeater. The frequency that a user transmits to access a repeater is the Repeater CTCSS Encode Frequency. The frequency that the repeater transmits to the user is the Repeater Decode Frequency.
What is the purpose of CTCSS?
CTCSS is used to access repeaters and networks, allows multiple users to communicate on the same frequency (channel) without receiving radio traffic from each other, and is employed to improve radio operation in high RF noise, interference and congested areas.
What is a NAC tone?
The NAC is a feature similar to CTCSS or DCS for analog radios. That is, radios can be programmed to only break squelch when receiving the correct NAC. NAC’s are programmed as a 3 digit hexadecimal code that is broadcast along with the digital signal being transmitted.
What is DCS tone?
CDCSS or Digital Code Squelch (DCS) is a further development of the continuous tone-coded squelch system or CTCSS that uses a slow-speed, binary data stream passed as sub-audible data along with the transmission.
Do I need CTCSS to listen to a repeater?
Tone – For most repeaters, you will need to transmit a CTCSS tone to access the repeater. (CTCSS is Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System.) Repeaters with carrier access do not require a tone, so you can skip this step.
How do Ctcss tones work?
CTCSS is a system whereby a (not really) sub-audible tone is encoded into the transmit audio of a radio and a receiver on another radio on that frequency will only open up (decode) when it picks up that specific tone.
How many Ctcss tones are there?
38 CTCSS tones
As a result, the 38 CTCSS tones were insufficient to eliminate interference in the large cities. Motorola then came out with a digital version of the tones, and there were more than 100 of these codes.
What is TPL frequency?
For TPL, use Motorola Standard codes or any frequency between 67 Hz and 250 Hz in 0.1-Hz increments. For DPL, however, only Motorola standard codes must be used.
What is DPL and TPL?
TPL AND DPL FREQUENCIES AND The following information in the tables are to guide the user to. select the appropriate TPL (Tone Private Line) or DPL (Digital. Private Line) codes so that they can expand usage of the. frequency.
What is CTSS radio?