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What is the contribution of Kautilya in Indian political thought?

What is the contribution of Kautilya in Indian political thought?

Kautilya was very clear about his ideals about prosperity and control of state. He stood for a just and realistic rule of law. He gave great importance to property rights and protection of wealth. He advocated that one could get rid of corporeal punishment by paying off fines.

What are the political ideas of Manu?

Manusmriti strongly advocated for a political authority. Manu suggested that though the king derived his authority from God, in practice he should be guided by the brahmanas. The rationale behind it was the assumption that brahmanas possess knowledge and knowledge should rule.

What are the main political ideas as laid down by Kautilya in his famous book Arthashastra?

Kautilya asserted that to guarantee good governance, there must be a suitably guided public administration, where the ruler should surrender his likes and dislikes in the interest of his subjects, and the personnel running the Government should be responsive.

What is Kautilya’s Saptanga theory?

Saptanga theory Kautilya’s saptanga (seven organs) theory of state illustrates a novel dimension of state power that dialectically engages political rationality and normativity; artha and dharma respectively. His theory borrows from the Ayurveda medical treatise which speaks of seven elements of the body.

What are the main political ideas of Kautilya?

Kautilya believed that nations acted in their political, economic and military self-interest. He thought that foreign policy or diplomacy will be practiced as long as the sell-interest of the state is served because every state acts in a way to maximize the power and self interest.

What is six-fold policy of Kautilya?

(iv) According to Arthashastra, the State should follow a six-fold policy with other States: (1) Sandhi (treaty of peace); (2) Vigrah (war); (3) Asana (neutrality) (4) Yana (marching) – presumably a threat; (5) Samsrya (alliance) and (6) Dwidibhava (making peace with one and end war with another).

What is ethics and politics by Kautilya?

What are the political ideas of Kautilya?

What is six fold policy of Kautilya?

What is Bala According to Kautilya?

6] Bala (Force) Kautilya prefers the army of Kshatriyas. However if need arises, other varnas can also be included. King should have sufficient army and should always keep the morale of the army high.

What are the features of ancient Indian political thought?

Government as a Partnership of the Upper Varnas: In ancient India, the Kshatriyas, Brahmanas and later the Vaisyas together formed the ruling class. The Shudras were the serving class. ‘Kshatra’ – the temporal power derived its strength and authority from ‘Brahma’ – the spiritual power.

What do you mean by Indian political thought?

Indian political philosophy is the branch of philosophical thought in India that addresses questions related to polity, statecraft, justice, law and the legitimacy of forms of governance.

What is Kautilya foreign policy?

Kautilya’s most significant contribution to foreign policy making is his famous ‘mandala theory’, wherein he postulates that neighbours are most likely to be enemies, while states on the other side of one’s neighbours will be friends.

How many states were included by Kautilya in Mandal theory?

Finally, the mandala theory would consist of four primary circles of states, 12 kings, 60 elements of sovereignty and 72 elements of states. The 12 kingdoms are shown in the figure below.

Who is father of Indian politics?


Field Person Epithet
Politics Mahatma Gandhi (de facto) Father of the Nation
Politics B. R. Ambedkar Father of the Republic of India / Father of Modern India
Politics Raja Ram Mohan Roy Father of modern India
Politics Potti Sreeramulu Father of Linguistic Democracy

What is Kautilya’s another name?

Chanakya, also called Kautilya or Vishnugupta, (flourished 300 bce), Hindu statesman and philosopher who wrote a classic treatise on polity, Artha-shastra (“The Science of Material Gain”), a compilation of almost everything that had been written in India up to his time regarding artha (property, economics, or material …