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What is the clasp meaning?

What is the clasp meaning?

1 : a device for holding together objects or parts of something. 2 : a firm hold with the hands or arms. clasp. verb. clasped; clasping.

What is the synonym of clasp?

clench, cling (to), clutch, hold on (to)

What is an example of clasp?

Clasp means to hold or grip tightly, or attach two or more things together. An example of clasp is keeping a firm hold on a child’s hand when approaching a busy street. An example of clasp is a mountain climber hooking a line to the side of a mountain for support.

What kind of word is clasp?

verb (used with object), clasped or (Archaic) claspt [klaspt, klahspt]; clasping. to fasten with or as with a clasp. to furnish with a clasp. to seize, grasp, or grip with the hand: She clasped the club in her hand.

What do clasped hands mean?

In general, clasping the hands signifies some kind of unsettling thought—fear, anxiety, insecurity and the like. Keep in mind, we’re assuming there isn’t a simpler physical explanation. Someone could be clasping their hands simply because they feel a bit cold. In this position, the hands are held together.

Is clasp an onomatopoeia?

is that clash is (onomatopoeia) a loud sound while clasp is a fastener or , particularly one that clasps.

What is the opposite of clasp?

Antonyms. unclasp bore incapability reject exclusion powerlessness outfield. bosom squeeze hug hold on grasp.

What are some antonyms for clasp?

antonyms for clasp

  • misconception.
  • misunderstanding.
  • release.

What does the word clasped meaning?

to seize, grasp, or grip with the hand: She clasped the club in her hand. to hold in a tight embrace; hug: He clasped the child to him. SEE MORE.

What does the way you clasp your hands mean?

Why do people clasp their hands in front of them?

In most cases, clasping both hands together reveals frustration and stress. If someone, like an employee, keeps clasping their hands in front of them while you are speaking with them, then they probably don’t feel like talking to you at that moment.

What is an Ana Mana Pia?

Definition of onomatopoeia 1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss) also : a word formed by onomatopoeia In comic books, when you see someone with a gun, you know it’s only going off when you read the onomatopoeias. — Christian Marclay.

What noise does a zipper make?

the word itself is onomatopoeic the noise closing a zipper makes is a zip sound.

What is synonym of clasped?

clenched, clung (to), clutched, held on (to)

Are grasp and clasp synonyms?

Clasps synonyms A firm hold or grip. A tight grip or grasp.

What does hands clasped in front mean?

In most cases, clasping both hands together reveals frustration and stress. If someone, like an employee, keeps clasping their hands in front of them while you are speaking with them, then they probably don’t feel like talking to you at that moment.

Which way do people clasp their hands?

When people clasp their hands, almost all have a strong preference; either the right thumb is on top (R) or the left thumb is on top (L). Hand-clasping is sometimes used to illustrate basic genetics; the myth is that hand-clasping is controlled by one gene with two alleles, and the allele for L is dominant.

What does it mean when a girl puts her hands behind her back?

Someone in this position isn’t concerned about what anyone else is going to do to them. It’s important that the arms are relaxed. Although they’re behind the back and thus not in a great defensive position, they’re still ready to swing around quickly if someone decides to offer a challenge.

What does automata pier mean?

onomatopoeia. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day for April 17, 2018 is: onomatopoeia \ah-nuh-mah-tuh-PEE-uh\ noun. 1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss) 2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense.

What does close to the bone mean in this passage?

close to the bone. If a remark or piece of writing is close to the bone, it is about things that are true but which make people uncomfortable or offended. Penny said `Let’s talk about Christina.’ But for Buck, this was getting dangerously close to the bone.

Is the Devil mean down to the bone?

It is a mean spirit, but it is mean down to the bone. The meat was excellent and savory, and the six devourers were devoured down to the bones. There’s deep lacerations down to the bone on the chest area.

What does the idiom to the bone mean?

to the bone. idiom. 1 : very much We were frozen to the bone. The threatening look in his eyes chilled me to the bone. 2 : as much as possible The company has cut costs to the bone in an effort to save money.

What does cut to the bone mean?

Lit. to slice deep to a bone. The knife cut John to the bone. He had to be sewed up. Cut each slice of ham to the bone. Then each slice will be as big as possible. 2. Fig. to cut down severely (on something). (To the bone emphasizes the severity of the cutting.) We cut our expenses to the bone and are still losing money.