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What is the best size cage for 2 guinea pigs?

What is the best size cage for 2 guinea pigs?

7.5 square feet
One of the common questions I receive is what size cage is suitable for guinea pigs. For 1-2 guinea pigs the minimum space recommended is 7.5 square feet. Three guinea pigs require a minimum of 10.5 square feet, and Four guinea pigs require 13 square feet.

Are multi level cages good for guinea pigs?

While some small animals enjoy climbing on multi-level platforms in the cage, guinea pigs generally prefer flat, open spaces. Guinea pigs tend to be scared of heights, and even a gentle ramp leading up to a second level may be too frightening for a guinea pig to attempt.

Can guinea pigs have multi level cages?

Multiple Levels While some small animals enjoy climbing on multi-level platforms in the cage, guinea pigs generally prefer flat, open spaces. Guinea pigs tend to be scared of heights, and even a gentle ramp leading up to a second level may be too frightening for a guinea pig to attempt.

Do guinea pigs like multi level cages?

What is the best bedding for guinea pigs in winter?

One of the best ways to stop your guinea pigs feeling the cold in winter is to change their bedding from hay or shavings to snuggly fleece. This eco-friendly material is easy on the pocket, can be used again and again, and it’s gentle on your piggies’ sensitive feet.

How often should you let your guinea pig out of its cage?

Guinea pigs need time outside of the cage each day for at least an hour, though twice a day is best. If possible, take them out at dawn and dusk, when cavies are most active. Either purchase a small pen or enclosure, or utilize a room where young children and other pets cannot gain access.

Can you put too much hay in a guinea pig hutch?

Hay should be unlimited, so piggies should never run out. They also love to forage, which is probably why they prefer the hay off the floor. As hay doesn’t go ‘off’ if left out for the day, then it’s fine to take the hay from the rack to use on the floor.