What is the answer to question 43 on the impossible quiz 2?
The possible choices are “Gay”, “Straight”, “Bi”, and “Tom Cruise”. The correct answer is “Tom Cruise”, since the question’s also referencing the movie “Jerry Maguire”, whose titular character was portrayed by Tom Cruise.
What is the answer to question 37 on the impossible quiz 2?
There’s no bomb, and you won’t lose any lives for clicking anywhere on the screen. Just like in Question 34 from the first Quiz, all you have to do to pass this question is to move your cursor away from the game’s screen (or put it on the Toggle Music/Quality buttons, which also works) since elephants dislike mice.
What is the answer to question 44 in the impossible quiz?
Reference(s) Question 44 of The Impossible Quiz is a safe question that has no actual question, nor options. All there is on screen besides the usual stuff are a bunch of scrambled puzzle pieces. The question number is in one of these pieces, so you can use it as a reference.
How do you do level 10 on the impossible quiz 2?
The question actually asks you to pick up the words “a penguin?” and see what happens. Hidden below the words, there is a message that reads “You find the answer!”, next to a green arrow-shaped button that says “GO!”. Click it and you’ll be sent to the next question.
How do you do level 10 on the impossible Quiz 2?
What is the answer to question 37 on the impossible quiz?
Question 37 of The Impossible Quiz is the third safe question of the game. It says “Can you get this question wrong?”, with the potential answers being “No”, “Nope”, “No way”, and “Of course not”. Notice how all of the answers are saying the exact same thing in different ways.
What is the answer to 44 on the impossible quiz 2?
The answer to this question has to continue the dialogue of the game’s intro, so the correct option is “What you say!!”, which was the reaction of the game’s main character after being told what had happened.
What is the answer to question 45 on the impossible quiz 2?
What you have to do is to use the last “E” and the “I” in “I see…”, along with the “O” in “O RLY?”, to complete that particular verse: “E-I-E-I-O!”.
What is question 29 of the impossible Quiz 2?
Question 29 of The Impossible Quiz 2 is a searching question. There’s a completely yellow background, with the task “Search!” written in big letters on the top part of the screen, as well as an open faucet with water coming off of it. You have to move your mouse around looking for something, not knowing what it is at all.
Are there any impossible to answer quizzes?
Yes, we are talking about the impossible to answer quiz. The impossible questions seem to be very easy and ridiculous and you will feel how difficult it is to answer these ridiculously easy questions. They are easy looking but difficult to answer questions.
Can you type in the impossible Quiz 2 without a keyboard?
Since it would have been impossible to type stuff in the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz 2 without the aid of an in-game keyboard or the device’s own tactile keyboard popping on screen, this question had to be replaced with a brand new one.
Are You at the correct place in the impossible quiz?
If yes then you are at the correct place, if no you still can look out the content, we are not going to stop you from doing that. The Impossible Quiz is kind of addictive game, isn’t it and I’m sure you are stuck at somewhere in the game.