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What is selective policing?

What is selective policing?

Selective enforcement is when a board enforces, or is perceived to enforce, rules against some homeowners and not others. It also occurs when rules are unfairly or inconsistently enforced throughout the community.

What is discretion law?

discretionary decision — is exercised when a judge is granted a power under. either statute (‘statutory discretion’) or common law that requires the judge to. choose between several different, but equally valid, courses of action.

What are three styles of policing?

Wilson discovered three distinctive styles of policing: the legalistic, the watchman, and the service styles. Police agencies with a legalistic orientation focused strictly on law enforcement activities, whereas those with a service style focused on providing needed services to residents and business owners.

What does reactive policing mean?

Reactive policing is simply the police responding to a citizen’s call for service. A citizen calls the police and the police respond to the call and takes appropriate action. In reactive policing, police generally do not take initiative.

What are patrol techniques?

Subsequent chapters examine specific aspects of patrolling: silhouetting, avoiding making unnecessary noise, interacting with plainclothes officers, stopping pedestrians, staking out positions of safety, dealing with the media, operating radio equipment, and enhancing observation techniques.

What does deter crime mean?

Deterrence is the theory that criminal penalties do not just punish violators, but also discourage other people from committing similar offenses. Many people point to the need to deter criminal actions after a high-profile incident in which an offender is seen to have received a light sentence.

What is criminal discretion?

Introduction. Discretion is the latitude granted officials to act under a formal set of rules and in a public capacity. The rules themselves are usually the result of discretion by other actors in the criminal justice system, such as the legislature, which has created the criminal code for the jurisdiction.

What is distress in law?

What is distress action? Where a tenant does not pay rent, the landlord may apply for a writ of distress which is a court order to direct the bailiff or sheriff to distrain the movable properties of the tenant and sell it to recover the rental arrears.

What does arbitrary mean in law?

When used in reference to a judge’s ruling in a court case, arbitrary means based on individual discretion rather than a fair application of the law. For example, finding someone guilty of a crime simply because they have a beard would be an arbitrary decision.

What is Predispositional theory?

Predispositional theory suggests that it is the values and attitudes that the officer brings to the job that determines his or her behavior. This theory suggests that a certain type of individual is attracted to policing. This chapter examines a number of studies concerned with police behavior.