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What is normal QC?

What is normal QC?

The acceptable range for Level 1 (normal control) is 3.7–4.3 mmol/L. The acceptable range for Level 2 (abnormal control) is 6.7–7.3 mmol/L. When comparing the daily QC result obtained for the normal control to the range calculated for the normal control, each result is within the expected range.

What are the levels of QC?

Within this normal severity, there are three general levels: I, II, and III. Level II is used for more than 90% of inspections. For example, for an order of 8,000 products, only 200 samples are checked. Military Standard 105 was created by the US Department of Defense to control their procurements more efficiently.

When should QC be run?

It is widely accepted that laboratories should perform QC at least every day of patient testing.

What is QC in house laboratory?

Quality control (QC) is one of the most important impacts on laboratory testing—it ensures both precision and accuracy of patient sample results. The integrity of quality control samples is important to both management of overall quality as well as to meeting requirements of proficiency testing.

What are QC materials?

QC materials act as surrogates for clinical samples and are measured in laboratories on a daily basis in the same manner as patient specimens. QC materials are generally commercially available in liquid or lyophilized form, and are usually packaged in bottles that enable routine and repeated use.

How do you read Westgard rules?

The Westgard Rules are 1S3: One value beyond 3*sigma from the mean. 2S2: Two consecutive values either greater than, or less than, 2*sigma from the mean. RS4: A difference between consecutive values greater than 4*sigma. 4S1: Four consecutive values greater than, or less than, 1*sigma from the mean.

How are Westgard Rules calculated?

To calculate cumulative control limits, enter the previous month’s figures for n, sum of x, and sum of x squared, then push the “Total” button. To calculate monthly control limits, just push the “Total” button and only the monthly figures will be used.

How many types of Westgard rules are there?

The well-known Westgard multirule QC procedure uses 5 different control rules to judge the acceptability of an analytical run.

What are the 5 Westgard rules?

Westgard rules

Rule Criteria
R4s Two measurements in the same run have a 4 standard deviation difference (such as one exceeding 2 standard deviations above the mean, and another exceeding 2 standard deviations below the mean).
41s 4 consecutive measurements exceed 1 standard deviation on the same side of the mean.

What is Westgard control rules?

Westgard Rules are multirule QC rules to help analyze whether or not an analytical run is in-control or out-of-control. It uses a combination of decision criteria, usually 5 different control rules to judge the acceptability of an analytical run.