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What is indecent dressing in Nigeria?

What is indecent dressing in Nigeria?

Indecent dressing is a social phenomenon that is done by youths. It simply means deliberately exposure of one’s body to the public. In fact, the practice does not conform to the norm that value of the society, particularly in the African society. This practice is now common in public places including places of worship.

Is indecent dressing a crime in Nigeria?

It should be noted that no legislation has made a clear provision for indecent dressing but rather indecent acts or indecent exposure. Section 231 of the Criminal Code makes indecent act illegal.

What are the types of indecent dressing?

Types of Indecent Dressing

  • Sleeveless tops.
  • Body hugs.
  • Short Knickers.
  • Transparent clothes.
  • Head gears e.g. Canopy head ties.
  • Bogus fashion jewelries.
  • Spaghetti tops.
  • OFF shoulders.

How can we solve the problem of indecent dressing?

Therefore, in order to eliminate indecent dressing, strict enforcement of dress codes should be introduced in colleges of education, polytechnics and universities across the country. This can be achieved by the collective efforts of the security department, staffs and the management of the tertiary institutions.

What is indecent dressing PDF?

indecent dressing in a more specific term as the attitude of someone, male or female. that dresses to show off parts of the body such as the breasts, buttocks or even the. underwear particularly those of the ladies that need to be covered. In addition, there.

What is indecent assault in Nigeria?

Indecent assault on males. Any person who unlawfully and indecently assaults any male person is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years. The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

What does indecent dressing cause?

Indecent dressing is the major cause of the various assault and sexual harassment recorded in the society, over time.

Is sleeveless indecent?

No. Sleeveless garments are not indecent anywhere.

What is the causes of indecent dressing?

The effects of globalization arising from wrong values of exportation and importation, reflection of high rate of moral decadence in the large society (corruption and the led), peer pressure and the desire to belong as well as fading values and demonic influence all contribute to the act of indecent dressing.

What is the effect of indecent dressing on the society?

EFFECTS OF INDECENT DRESSING Indecent dressing has negative effects on individuals, the country, and the educational process. This strange way of dressing can result in sexual harassment of the wearer, abortion, and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, poor academic performance and even the desire to steal.

What is the consequences of dressing indecently?

Indecent dressing has negative effects on individuals, the country, and the educational process. This strange way of dressing can result in sexual harassment of the wearer, abortion, and contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, poor academic performance and even the desire to steal.

What is decent dressing?

Decent dressing means one is dressed according to the function, culture or beliefs (non- revealing dress). Proper does not necessarily mean decent. It means being dressed according to the surroundings or occasion. EDITOR—Decent and proper dressing are two different issues.

What is decent and indecent dressing?

Decent dressing can be explained as the proper way of dressing or the generally accepted way of dressing without exposing vital parts of the human body. Indecent dressing is the improper and provocative way of dressing relative to the society or culture in which it is being perpetrated.

What is the consequences of dressing badly?

One of the most energy-depleting consequences of dressing very poorly is that you end up overcompensating for all the hiding you do in order to prove your value. If you’ve been reading this entire post thinking that, by dressing very poorly, you’re behind the 8-ball, this is precisely the point.

What are the causes of indecent dressing?

Mairiga (2013) concluded that the causes of indecent dressing are peer pressure, poor parenting, foreign influence, wrong use of the internet, covetousness, and the negative influence of social media, the entertainment world, and the fashion world on female students.

What are the disadvantages of indecent dressing?

Disadvantages Of Indecent Dressing Amongst Ladies – Romance – Nairaland

  • You will look ridiculous.
  • Will be embarrassing to kids and elders as well.
  • Will get people looking at you funny.
  • Will expose you to sexual assault.
  • Results in loss of respect.
  • Will misrepresent your family values.

What are some effects of indecent dressing?

What is the difference between decent and indecent dressing?

Decent dressing can be explained as the proper way of dressing or the generally accepted way of dressing without exposing vital parts of the human body. Indecent dressing on the other hand is the improper and provocative way of dressing relative to the society or culture in which it is being perpetrated.

What is decency in dressing?

3rd April 2022. 0. Decency is a virtue that shows in a person’s character and conduct, and in the way the individual relates and talks to other people – with respect, regard and courtesy.