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What is Hypochondrogenesis?

What is Hypochondrogenesis?

Hypochondrogenesis is a rare, severe disorder of bone growth. This condition is characterized by a small body, short limbs, and abnormal bone formation (ossification) in the spine and pelvis. Affected infants have short arms and legs, a small chest with short ribs, and underdeveloped lungs.

Is Achondrogenesis fatal?

Achondrogenesis refers to a group of fatal genetic disorders that affect the development of bone and cartilage. Babies with any of these disorders may have short limbs, small bodies, and cleft palate, as well as developmental differences.

What are the symptoms of Achondrogenesis?

Achondrogenesis type IB (Fraccaro type) is characterized by short trunk and limbs, narrow chest, and prominent abdomen. Affected infants may have a protrusion around the belly-button (umbilical hernia), or near the groin (inguinal hernia), and have short fingers and toes with feet turned inward.

How common is Kniest dysplasia?

Kniest dysplasia is an extremely rare disorder of bone growth that leads to short stature, malformed bones and joints, and skeletal abnormalities. It’s diagnosed only once out of every 1 million births.

Can people live with achondrogenesis?

As a result of serious health problems, infants with achondrogenesis usually die before birth, are stillborn, or die soon after birth from respiratory failure. However, some infants have lived for a short time with intensive medical support.

Can you survive with achondrogenesis?

What are the symptoms of Kniest dysplasia?

Signs & Symptoms People with Kniest dysplasia are known to have an unusually short stature; short, deformed arms and legs; a chest that is “barrel-shaped” and abnormally short; and a relatively long trunk. Later in life, short trunk dwarfism develops due to curvature of the spine and enlargement of the joints.

Is there a cure for Kniest syndrome?

Currently, there is no cure for Kniest dysplasia. Alternative names for Kniest Dysplasia can include Kniest syndrome, swiss cheese cartilage syndrome, Kniest chondrodystrophy, or metatrophic dwarfism type II.

How is achondrogenesis passed on?

Inheritance. Achondrogenesis type 1A and type 1B are believed to be inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. This means that to be affected, a person must have a mutation in both copies of the responsible gene in each cell .

How is Kniest dysplasia diagnosed?

Kniest syndrome is a form of skeletal dysplasia affecting the cartilage. A physical exam is used to diagnose Kniest syndrome, along with X-rays and/or arthrograms. Treatment is usually based on the associated orthopaedic conditions that present in a patient with Kniest syndrome.

What are the symptoms of Kniest syndrome?

Common symptoms seen in patients with Kniest syndrome include:

  • Prominent eyes and foreheads.
  • A depressed midface.
  • Large joints (hips and knees) are big, stiff and knobby.
  • Small joints (fingers) are affected as the patient ages.
  • Cleft palate.
  • Chronic hearing loss.
  • Eye problems, such as glaucoma and retinal detachment.