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What is German Gothic architecture?

What is German Gothic architecture?

Gothic structures had a vertical emphasis, with pointed arches and large stained glass windows. Walls were supported by external arched flying buttresses that allowed for greater height. Gothic churches sometimes included spires, tall tapered structures on top of roofs or towers.

What is a German style house?

The Middle German house first emerged in the Middle Ages as a type of farmhouse built either using timber framing or stone. It is an ‘all-in-one’ house (Einhaus) with living quarters and livestock stalls under one roof.

What are types of houses in Germany?

The German word for ‘house’ is das Haus….Types of houses.

German English
1. ein Haus A. a farmhouse
2. ein Reihenhaus B. a detached house
3. ein Zweifamilienhaus C. a flat
4. ein Einfamilienhaus D. a house

What is German style fingering?

Soprano F (Alto B♭) tone fingering is in sequence with the rest of the scale. Fingering for sharp (♯) and flat (♭) notes is difficult. The same fingering cannot be applied when playing recorders that differ in size.

What is the difference between Baroque and German fingering?

If you look at the holes on a traditional Baroque recorder, the fourth hole down from the top is smaller than the fifth hole. On a German recorder, the order is switched – the fourth hole is larger than the fifth hole.

What kind of architecture is in Berlin?

Berlin was devastated during World War II, but the city has since been rebuilding itself on the ruins of the past. The capital is now home to some impressive feats of Modernist architecture, from Brutalist to Bauhaus, and it has ushered in a new era of utopian aesthetics and Postmodern design.

What is a bungalow in Germany?

noun. /ˈbaŋɡələu/ a (usually small) house of one storey/story. der Bungalow.

What is bar tracery?

Definition of bar tracery : decorative architectural tracery that is formed by the curves and intersections of the molded bars of mullions.

What is the difference between German fingering and Baroque?

If you look at the holes on a traditional Baroque recorder, the fourth hole down from the top is smaller than the fifth hole. On a German recorder, the order is switched – the fourth hole is larger than the fifth hole. That’s all there is to it!