What is furcation involvement?
According to the glossary of terms of the American Academy of Periodontology, a furcation involvement exists when periodontal disease has caused resorption of bone into the bi- or trifurcation area of a multi-rooted tooth [1].
What is the most effective tool in detecting the furcation involvement?
Based on these results, CBCT may be considered a reliable tool for detecting incipient furcation involvement following a clinical periodontal exam, even in the presence of a metallic post.
What is periodontal furcation involvement?
A furcation involvement, also called a furcation invasion, is defined as an area of bone loss at this branching point of a tooth root. The bone loss results from periodontal (gum) disease.
What causes furcation?
The most common cause of furcation disease is extension of periodontal infection, resulting in interradicular bone resorption and formation of a progressive defect (Figures 2A-2C). Figure 2A. Advanced periodontal disease resulting in furcation exposure in a cat’s right mandibular first molar.
How does furcation involvement affect periodontal treatment?
When periodontal disease affects the furcation of a tooth, the chance that it will be lost increases considerably. An increase in the exposed root surface, anatomical peculiarities and irregularities of the furcation surface all favor the growth of bacteria.
What is furcation defect?
A furcation defect is bone loss, which is usually from periodontal disease and affects the base of the root trunk of a tooth where two or more roots meet. The specific extent and configuration of the defect are factors in determining both the diagnosis and treatment planning.
What is a WHO probe used for?
WHO probe was developed for CPITN method. Combination instruments for probing caries and parodontium. Most explorers and periodontal probes are available also in single-ended designs. EN Instrument for dental professionals, clean and sterilize before use max.
What is a universal curette?
A universal curette is a double-ended instrument used for periodontal scaling, calculus debridement and root planing. The purpose of the universal curette is to remove small or medium size calculus deposits and can be used both supragingivally and subgingivally.
What is BPE used for?
The BPE is a simple and rapid screening tool that is used to indicate the level of examination needed and to provide basic guidance on treatment need.
How do you identify furcation involvement?
To detect involvement, the tip of the probe is moved towards the presumed location of the furcation and then curved into the furcation area. For the mesial surfaces of maxillary molars, this is best done from a palatal direction, as the mesial furcation is located palatal to the midpoint of the mesial surface.
What is a Gracey 3/4 used for?
Area specific curettes for the removal of deep subgingival calculus. These area-specific curettes are for removing deep subgingival calculus and for finishing subgingival root surfaces. Put the tip third or half of the cutting edge against the tooth.
What is the difference between Gracey and universal curette?
There are two categories of periodontal curettes: universal curettes and Gracey curettes. A universal curette is designed to adapt to all teeth surfaces in all areas of the mouth. A Gracey curette, also called area-specific curette, adapts to a precise area of the teeth.
What is Grade 2 furcation involvement?
The depth of the horizontal component furcation involvement is early or advanced. grade II furcation involvement. furcation and occluded by gingival tissue. and-through tunnel. There may be a crater- the horizontal loss of bone. If the radiograph radiolucent area between the roots.
What is furcation involvement in periodontal disease?
Download to read offline and view in fullscreen. Furcation involvement is a common sequela of severe chronic periodontal disease. Its effective management has a profound influence on the outcome of periodontal therapy.
What is the difference between furcation entrance and furcation fornix?
The furcation fornix is referred to as the roof of the furcation area and furcation entrance is the transitional area between the divided and undivided roots. Root divergence is the degree of separation of roots and coefficient of separation is the length of root cones in relation to the length of the root complex.
What are the Class II and Class III furcation invasions?
Class II or Class III furcation invasions or involvements. Severe recession or dehiscence of a root. Endodontic or Conservative Indications : Inability to successfully treat and fill a canal Root fracture or root perforation Severe root resorption Root decay Prosthetic Indications Severe root proximity inadequate for a proper embrasure space.