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What is cliche literature?

What is cliché literature?

A cliché (pronounced ‘klee-SHAY’) is a saying, image, or idea which has been used so much that it sounds terribly uncreative.

What are good clichés?

Examples of Clichés in Everyday Language

  • read between the lines.
  • play your cards right.
  • it’s an uphill battle.
  • better safe than sorry.
  • you can’t judge a book by its cover.
  • bring to the table.
  • low-hanging fruit.
  • the grass is always greener on the other side.

Where did the word cliché originate?

The word “cliché” is a French term dating to the early 19th century that meant “to produce or print in stereotype.” A stereotype was a printing plate used to create abundant versions of the same design. Printers heard a “clicking” sound during this process, which gave birth to the onomatopoeic word “cliché.”

Why do clichés exist?

When formulas come unmoored from their genres, as they often do, they are likely to become clichés because of their more general, imprecise, or inaccurate application in more or in broader genres of writing, particularly in journalism.

Why are clichés so popular?

Thus, cliché-ridden language is offputting to readers and listeners because it very quickly gives the impression that there is nothing to be learned from it—that the speaker or writer is simply rehearsing something that has been heard or read before, giving expression to things already well known rather than to things …

Who invented cliché?

The cliché-verre process was first devised by amateur photographer Adalbert Cuvelier and drawing instructor Jean-Gabriel-Léandre Grandguillaume in the French town of Arras in 1853. The two men promoted their invention to artists as a direct and portable way of reproducing their drawings.

When was cliché invented?

Etymology. The word cliché is borrowed from French, where it is a past passive participle of clicher, ‘to click’, used a noun; cliché is attested from 1825 and originated in the printing trades.

What is another word for cliché?

adage, banality, boiler plate, bromide, buzzword, chestnut, commonplace, corn, counterword, motto, platitude, potboiler, prosaism, proverb, saying, shibboleth, slogan, stereotype, triteness, triviality.

What is another term for cliché?

noun. 1’there is plenty of truth in the cliché that a trouble shared is a trouble halved’ platitude, hackneyed phrase, commonplace, banality, truism, trite phrase, banal phrase, overworked phrase, stock phrase, bromide. saw, maxim, adage, dictum, saying. tag, aphorism.

Where do clichés come from?

Why do people hate clichés?

Clichés work against us when they replace our tongues entirely, when the greeting card messages supplant our own. They work best when they link our singular experiences rather than efface them — when they function as dangling strings around which the rock candy of individual experience crystallizes.

How did clichés start?