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What is Chris21 software?

What is Chris21 software?

Chris21 is a comprehensive HR and Payroll system, with multiple modules and configuration options available.

Who uses Chris21?

Companies using Frontier Software Chris21 Payroll for Payroll include: Metcash, a Australia based Distribution organisation with 7010 employees and revenues of $14.30 billion, Electrix, a Australia based Utilities organisation with 2000 employees and revenues of $10.32 billion, Department of Justice and Regulation …

What is Chris21 payroll?

Chris21 is a popular payroll and HR software package. It is widely used in Australia and has expanded to include many other countries. Chris21 is well established as a payroll solution, but it’s actually more than that, it’s a human resource management system.

Is Chris21 cloud based?

A single cloud-based HR, Payroll, Time, Benefits, and Talent Management solution for complete employee lifecycle management.

Who uses Frontier Payroll?

Frontier Software provides HCM solutions and services to over 1,700 customers in 26 countries, from small to very large enterprises. Our software is used to provide an efficient Payroll Service from our global offices in Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore and the UK.

Where is Frontier software based?

Melbourne, VICTORIA, Australia
Company Description: FRONTIER SOFTWARE PTY. LTD. is located in Melbourne, VICTORIA, Australia and is part of the Computer Systems Design and Related Services Industry.

How do I download payslips from Chris21?

Delivering payslips from Chris21 via email When you run the Payslips (SLP) process to create all payslips, you have the option to deliver them via Email as PDF, Email as text, or Do not email. When you select Email as PDF, employees will receive their payslip via email in PDF format.

Is Ichris and Chris21 the same?

What Is chris 21? Established in 1983, Frontier Software provides a global HR & Payroll software solution. Our software is called ichris – (International Comprehensive Human Resource Integrated Software) and it sets the benchmark for Human Capital Management software.

Is chris21 cloud based?

How much of Frontier does Tencent own?

In July 2017, Tencent, a Chinese investment company, bought a 9% share in the company. In March 10, 2020, Frontier announced that they had signed an agreement with Formula One to develop and release several management simulation games based on the F1 license.

How can I see my payslip?

After logging in, tap on “Payroll” tab.

  1. Scroll down until you see “Payslip History”.
  2. Tap on “Payslip History” to view all your payslips.
  3. If you would like to search for a specific payslip, you can filter it by tapping on “All”.
  4. Tap on the payslip to view the payslip details.

Is Ichris the same as Chris21?

How do you use Chris 21?

Use Save As to enter data in Chris21 From the record that you want to use as a template, click File -> Save As from the main menu. If all the other details of this new position are the same as the original record, then you just need to click Save from the main menu to create the new record.

How do I cancel my Ichris leave?

Taken entries are cancelled by selecting the Cancel Leave button on the Taken (LVE) page in Self Service. The leave details are displayed in the Request Leave Cancellation (LVC) page. In the toolbar, select Update to finalise the leave cancellation.

How do I find old payslips?

In case you don’t have your pay stub from your previous job or you lost them due to some accident, contacting your previous employer is one of the methods to obtain your old pay stub from your last employer.

Is Ichris the same as chris21?

How do I delete my approved leave on job Hero?


  1. Click the Leave menu.
  2. Click the My Leave submenu.
  3. Click the Action button.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Click the Delete button.

What is included in chris21 database management?

Chris21 database management broadly encompasses regular housekeeping and effective archiving procedures. Good housekeeping and archiving practices are essential to ensure your Chris21 database is efficiently maintained.

What is chris21 services?

Chris21 Services. Chris21 is a popular comprehensive HR and payroll software program. To maintain the system to its full capability requires a combination of HR functions, end-to-end payroll processing, and advanced Chris21 knowledge.

How do I retrieve a report from a chris21 user?

DAT whenever a Chris21 user runs a report. You may already be familiar with the Report Output feature as this is where you go to retrieve a report when it has completed running. By default the system will store each report for 31 days. With many users running reports this file can very quickly become very large.

What is chris21 housekeeping and archiving?

As mentioned, there are two distinct processes in Chris21 that are used to perform database management tasks; housekeeping and archiving. This blog will focus on housekeeping. Effective Chris21 database management should include regular housekeeping.