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What is Carnegie Mellon mission statement?

What is Carnegie Mellon mission statement?

To create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; and personal health and well-being.

What is a university mission statement?

Universities’ mission and vision statements serve as public pronouncements of their purpose, ambition, and values.

What is Carnegie Mellon University known for?

In its 115 years, Carnegie Mellon has soared to national and international leadership in higher education and research. A birthplace of innovation since its founding, it continues to be known for innovation, for solving real-world problems and for interdisciplinary collaboration.

What is mission and vision in University?

While a vision statement describes the end goal—the change sought by a school—a mission statement may describe its broad academic and operational assurances, as well as its commitment to its students and community.

What are the core values of University?

The University’s Core Values

  • Respect. Respect moves us to understand the gifts and unique contributions of every person in the University community and to value diverse perspectives.
  • Excellence.
  • Compassion.
  • Service.
  • Hospitality.
  • Integrity.
  • Diversity.
  • Learning for Life.

What is mission and vision in university?

What should a university mission statement include?

A mission statement serves as a foundation for program goals and student learning outcomes. A program mission statement should distinguish the program from other units and should be consistent with the principles in both the college’s mission and UNC’s mission (including UNC’s vision, values, purposes, and goals).

How important is the mission statement of a university?

Utilizing a mission as a central focus, a college or university can create a foundation and build on it to maximize effectiveness. If a mission statement is used to maximize an institution’s effectiveness, the content and presentation of the statement becomes important.

What is vision and mission of college?

To provide affordable quality education, while equipping students with knowledge and skills in their chosen stream, inculcate values, identify hidden talents, provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential and thus shape them into future leaders, entrepreneurs and above all good human beings.

What should a college mission statement include?