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What is an example of claim evidence and reasoning?

What is an example of claim evidence and reasoning?

Your students might suggest this explanation: Air is matter (claim). We found that the weight of the ball increased each time we pumped more air into it (evidence). This shows that air has weight, one of the characteristics of matter (reasoning).

What is the CER chart?

I ask students to then create a CER chart that identifies the claim being made, lists the evidence, and then provides reasoning that illustrates why that evidence is correct for that particular claim, hopefully referencing aspects of the cell membrane.

What is claim evidence and reasoning?

What is CER? CER stands for claim, evidence, and reasoning. After being posed with a question or observation, students have to make a claim (similar to forming a hypothesis), provide evidence to support their claim, and explain their reasoning.

What are the 3 parts of CER?

An Introduction to Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) The student’s explanation or answer, as you may have guessed, will consist of three parts: a claim, the evidence, and the student’s reasoning. A claim is a statement that answers the question. It will usually only be one sentence in length.

How do I start a cer?

  1. CLAIM. ❑ State the answer to a. question. ❑ State what you will. prove with the evidence. ❑ Provide relevant. background information.
  2. EVIDENCE. ❑ Demonstrate. understanding. ❑ Give evidence from the. text. ❑ Cite the author/article.
  3. REASONING. ❑ Connect evidence to your. claim. ❑ Explain how your. evidence supports your. claim.

How do you answer using CER?

Use C-E-R to answer questions. Put the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning together to form a paragraph. Note: When giving more than one piece of evidence, the reasoning will be immediately following the evidence that it is explaining. A statement that respond to/answers the question using words from the question.

How do I start a reasoning CER?

Sentence Starters My evidence supports my claim by ________. As you can see by my evidence, ___________. The facts clearly indicate ____________. The facts that _____________ shows that _________.

How do I write a good CER?

C.E.R. Paragraph Format

  1. Claim: »This is a statement of your topic (what your paragraph is about) AND your specific opinion or observation about it.
  2. Evidence: This is a quote, statistic, or other piece of evidence that supports your claim.
  3. Reason: This is an explanation of how your data supports your claim.

How do you format a cer?

How do you write a claim?

A claim must be arguable but stated as a fact. It must be debatable with inquiry and evidence; it is not a personal opinion or feeling. A claim defines your writing’s goals, direction, and scope. A good claim is specific and asserts a focused argument.

How do you start off a claim?

Start with a hook or attention getting sentence. Briefly summarize the texts • State your claim. Make sure you are restating the prompt. Include a topic sentence that restates your claim and your reason.

How do you start a claim?

How do you teach students to make a claim?

In the PEELS approach, students need to:

  1. Make a point.
  2. Support it with evidence (and examples).
  3. Explain their evidence.
  4. Link their points.
  5. Maintain a formal style.

How many sentences are in a cer?

CER-based narratives are set up in a paragraph form (usually 5-7 sentences in length). There are times when it is necessary to include a data table, graph, or picture in with your evidence.