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What is a sewage grinder?

What is a sewage grinder?

A grinder pump works like a garbage disposal – it grinds up wastewater from a home (i.e. toilet, shower, washing machine) and pumps it into the public sewer system. A grinder pump is placed in a tank that is buried in a convenient outdoor location on your property.

Does a sewage pump need a grinder?

Sewage Ejector pumps do not have grinding blades. They use a spinning that intakes the raw sewage through the bottom of the pump and forces it under pressure out of the outlet and into the discharge pipe. Sewage Ejector pumps are generally designed to handle up to 2” diameter solids.

How long do sewer grinder pumps last?

You can expect a sewage grinder pump to last 6 to 16 years, with an average of 9 years. A grinder pump is installed along the drain line to a municipal sewer system or private septic tank when the pipe slope is not enough to flow by gravity.

What is the difference between a sewage and a grinder pump?

Sewage Pump Characteristics Grinder pumps are a subtype of sewage pumps. Generally speaking, sewage pumps that are not grinder pumps can move sewage solids up to two inches in diameter that are easy to break down or dissolve. Harder material will cause clogs and significant wear and tear on the pump.

How does a poop grinder work?

flows through the home’s pipes into the grinder pump’s holding tank. Once the wastewater inside the tank reaches a specific level, the pump will turn on, grind the waste into a fine slurry, and pump it to the central sewer system or septic tank. Grinder pumps can be installed in the basement or in the yard.

Does a grinder pump smell?

Normally functioning grinder pumps do make some sounds when they turn on, but it should not be disruptive. They also emit minimal, if any, odor. You should notice only a slight increase to your electric bill since the pump should only be running a few times a day.

Can you flush tampons with a grinder pump?

A sewage grinder pump can easily handle 2 inch solids, and will also be able to handle difficult artificial solids, like feminine hygiene products (pads, tampons, etc), rags, towels, diapers, diaper wipes, napkins, underwear, and a range of other things that shouldn’t be flushed down toilets but often are.

Should I buy a house with a grinder pump?

The standard home is built higher than the sewer line so that gravity will draw wastewater from the sewage system. Not all homes are in this position, and for those homes, it’s necessary to have a grinder pump. Otherwise, the wastewater will back up and contaminate the house.

How much does a grinder pump system cost?

The average cost for installing the grinder pump is approximately $4,000-$5,000, but varies per property.

How do you maintain a sewer grinder?

During your septic grinder pump maintenance routine, you should do the following:

  1. Inspect oil level and check for contamination in septic grinder pump motor chamber.
  2. Inspect pump impeller and body for any clogs or clotting (buildup).
  3. Inspect pump motor and bearings.

How do you get the smell out of a sewage ejector pump?

A DIY remedy to remove sump pump odors is to use a bleach solution in the sump pit.

  1. Create a diluted bleach solution, 1 cup bleach for every 1 gallon of fresh water.
  2. Pour the solution into the sump basin until water volume activates the float switch and the sump pump turns on.

How do I keep my grinder pump clean?

Keep Grinder Pump Drains Smooth Using lemon juice to run down the toilet keeps all the dirt away and removes the grease trap in the lines. You wouldn’t probably need additional supplies of chemicals if you maintain it with lemon. All odors are cut down if the grinder pumps are clean.

What can you not put in a grinder pump?

The easiest way to keep your grinder pump operating correctly is to take care about what you put down the drain: do not flush harsh chemicals (such as industrial-strength drain cleaners), paint, grease/cooking oil, “flushable” wipes.

Can I use Drano with a grinder pump?

Protect Your Pump However, several chemicals and materials should never enter the grinder pump sewer system. Note how small the path is for the wastewater in the diagram! – Strong chemicals, toxic, caustic, or poisonous substances (this includes Drano, Mr. Plumber, etc.)

Do grinder pumps smell?

How much does a grinder pump cost?

Your home may either sit lower than your neighbor’s, or further away from the gravity sewer in the street and could not be served by a gravity sewer/lateral. Each home is evaluated on an individual basis. The average cost for installing the grinder pump is approximately $4,000-$5,000, but varies per property.

How do I stop my grinder pump from smelling?

Check for a clean-out plug inside the floor drain by removing the grate that covers the opening and making sure there’s a plug inside the drain bowl. If the plug is missing, there’s a direct path for sewer gas to bypass the water trap. Sometimes, the plugs are removed to clean sewer lines and not replaced.

Why does my bathroom smell like sewage?

There are several potential reasons your bathroom smells like a sewer. Some of the most common include an improperly installed or cut vent pipe, a broken or loose seal or a damaged toilet. If the walls near your toilet emit a persistent sewage smell, the cause could be an improperly installed or cut vent pipe.

How often should a grinder pump be serviced?

Grinder pumps do not need to be pumped out because they pump out the wastewater once the contents reach a certain level. Grinder pumps average eight years between service calls, so minimal regular maintenance is required when operated under normal conditions.