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What is a Samegawa?

What is a Samegawa?

The same translates to “shark” or samegawa as “shark skin”. This is an important component of the katana located on the handle or tsuka. The wooden handle is carved flat on either side so a panel of samagawa can be placed under the handle wrap.

What is Samegawa made of?

Samegawa is also known as Same-Kawa. The Samegawa wraps around the wooden core of the tsuka (handles/hilt). The handle is made of wood. normally it is a solid core with rayskin panels from each side, but some request a full ray skin Samegawa (we can do it by request and for extra payment).

Why is Ray skin used in katana?

As a side note, the reason for using rayskin is to help bind the handle and the bumpy surface helps the ito grip to the handle as well. In the old days they often used a FULL wrap of rayskin, but they DID actually also use panels like most production swords today.

What is Samekawa?

The Samekawa or “shark skin” is the part under the Tsukaito. Despite being called a “Samekawa”, and because shark hunting isn’t really a thing nowadays, stingray skin is used instead. Its main purpose is to keep the Tsukaito in place and to reinforce the Tsuka structure.

What is a katana guard called?

The tsuba (鍔, or 鐔) is usually a round (or occasionally squarish) guard at the end of the grip of bladed Japanese weapons, like the katana and its variations, tachi, wakizashi, tantō, naginata etc.

What is a Japanese sword stand called?

Sword Stand (Katana Kake) 18th century Japanese. A katana is a sword with a curved blade longer than 60 cm fitted with an uchigatana-style mounting and worn in a waist sash with the cutting edge facing up.

What is a katana stand called?

The katanakake is essentially a wooden stand with pairs of hooks that’s designed to hold one or two swords. In feudal Japan, samurai warriors would place their swords on the katanakake before entering buildings, though this type of katanakake featured a slightly different design.

Do all katanas have a blood groove?

The blood grooves are a single indention where the steel dips down in the middle. The terms “blood grooves” and “blood gutters” is somewhat confusing, however. Whether used in a Japanese katana or any other bladed weapon, this indention doesn’t have anything to do blood.

What is a tsuka?

Tsuka. The tsuka is the hilt or handle of a Japanese sword.

What is the ring on a katana called?

What is a menuki?

In Japanese sword culture, menuki are handle charms, often tucked under the silk wrappings of stingray skin grips. Like all aspects of Japanese swords, the charms are handmade—fashioned one at a time, sculpted, carved and engraved.

Is stingray skin expensive?

Of all exotic leathers, stingray is often the most underrated. It is highly durable (25 times more durable than cowhide leathers) and has a unique supple texture. This leather is one of the most durable skins and is widely available….Genuine Stingray Skin – Polished Finish in Brown.

Price $65.00
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What is hamon katana?

The Hamon is recognized as the sharpened section of the blade and is a result of differential hardening. In a traditional Japanese katana the blades spine is coated thickly with a special clay and thinning out greatly before the edge.

Should a katana have a Bo Hi?

Most people using the katana for heavy cutting opt to leave out the “hi” to not reduce any strength and bring the balance point forward resulting in a slightly harder hitting cut. The bo’hi is commonly preferred by modern martial artists that do many demonstrations or kata.

Are katanas fragile?

Katana were probably the hardest swords in the ancient world, but they were also brittle compared to other blades. Katana would hold up to cutting soft objects with little wear, but over time, the compressive force from hitting hard objects could lead to chips and cracks.

How long does a katana last?

Assuming thorough, regular maintenance, a sword can last almost indefinitely – the oldest one I’ve held that has seen use was about 250 years old and might still be usable, given a good cleaning.

What is Samegawa samagawa?

Samagawa was also known to be used on the saya or sheath providing extra grip or simply as a decorative element. These are some photo’s of several different Samegawa found on the Japanese katana that we offer. The ito or handle wrap is of black natural silk imported from Japan.

What is Samegawa leather?

These are chemically treated leather. They’re usually used as belts, wallets, keychains, upholstery, etc. The whole skin is very pliable and has a leathery underside. Real samegawa is hard and feels like a very rough dried coral, and it becomes pliable when soaked in water.

What is a Samegawa katana?

The most sought after Katana Samegawa is made of high-grade ray skin. No matter the size of the handle needed for the sword, each skin is unique in appearance. Samegawa is also known as Same-Kawa.

Is Samegawa white or yellow?

Samegawa is usually bleached, that’s why it appears white. With age, it becomes yellowish. Then there are some that are painted or dyed. The size of the nodes also varies, some are big, standard size, or small.