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What is a good sentence for interminable?

What is a good sentence for interminable?

Interminable Sentence Examples She cried for what seemed like an interminable time. After an interminable wait a human voice interrupted. The next eight years of the war were in some respects the most astonishing period of its interminable length. I wonder if the days seem as interminable to you as they do to me.

What is interminable example?

: having or seeming to have no end especially : wearisomely protracted an interminable sermon.

What is the dictionary definition of interminable?

incapable of being terminated; unending: an interminable job. monotonously or annoyingly protracted or continued; unceasing; incessant: I can’t stand that interminable clatter.

What is verb of interminable?

interminate. (obsolete) To menace; to threaten.

Is interminably a word?

in a way that continues for too long and therefore is boring or annoying: They talked interminably.

How do you use regretfully in a sentence?

Examples of regretfully in a Sentence “I must leave now,” he said regretfully. I must regretfully decline your invitation.

What is another name for interminable?

In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for interminable, like: unending, endless, eternal, boundless, ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, continual, ongoing, persistent and relentless.

What does humoredly mean?

(only in combination with good, bad or ill) In the manner of a specified kind of humour.

What is the opposite of interminable?

Opposite of endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically) bounded. finite. limited. measurable.

What does sad to say mean?

phrase [PHRASE with cl] You can use the expression sad to say when you are describing an situation which you find unfortunate. The result, sad to say , is a great disappointment.

How do Americans spell humorous?

Humour, humor, and humorous ‘Humor’ is the American spelling. So far so good. However, ‘humorous’ is the correct spelling in both countries.

What is a sentence for easily?

[M] [T] I don’t like people who get angry easily. [M] [T] Mistakes like these are easily overlooked. [M] [T] I expect her to pass the examination easily. [M] [T] Tom loses his temper so easily that everybody avoids him.

What does I’m sorry to hear that mean?

my condolences
“Sorry to hear that” is another way of saying “my condolences.” However, it’s typically an inauthentic response to someone’s bad news. Most people use the phrase because they don’t know how to voice their empathy for the other person’s situation.

How do you spell rumor in England?

Rumor is the U.S. spelling of the noun meaning a piece of unverified information of uncertain origin. Rumour is the preferred spelling in all other main varieties of English.

interminable Sentence Examples. She cried for what seemed like an interminable time. 135. 54. After an interminable wait a human voice interrupted. 110. 52. The next eight years of the war were in some respects the most astonishing period of its interminable length.

What is the origin of the word interminable?

We promise not to ramble on endlessly about the origins of interminable. The word was borrowed into English in the 15th century and descends from a Latin combination of the prefix in – (“not”) and the verb terminare, meaning “to terminate” or “to limit.”

English speakers also coined the antonym terminable, meaning “capable of being brought to an end,” from “terminare.”. Other relatives of “interminable” in English include “terminate,” “determine,” “terminal,” and “exterminate.”.

How do you write an interminable sentence of legal fog?

And an interminable sentence of legal fog can be split into ten sentences or broken down into a plain introductory statement followed by a list of points. But if they were pressed to explain its cause or nature, they might well find that the answers sleeping in their minds were uncoordinated and interminable.