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What is a Db2 table?

What is a Db2 table?

Tables are logical structures that Db2 maintains. Db2 supports several different types of tables. Tables are made up of columns and rows. The rows of a relational table have no fixed order.

How can I see all tables in Db2?

To list tables run the following commands:

  1. db2.
  2. connect to
  3. list tables for schema
  4. db2 => connect to TBSMHIST.
  5. Database Connection Information.
  6. Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.0. SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1.
  7. db2 => list tables for schema TBSMHISTORY.
  8. Table/View Schema Type Creation time.

What is a Db2 table view?

A view is an alternative way of representing data that exists in one or more tables. A view can include all or some of the columns from one or more base tables.

Which table controls Db2?

The Query Patroller control tables are created in the target database during the DB2® Query Patroller setup. The control tables contain information DB2 Query Patroller requires to process queries.

What is Db2 used for?

Db2, or Database 2, is a set of relational database products built and offered by IBM. Relational databases enable enterprises to create declarative data models accessible via queries. For this purpose, IBM invented the popular and now standardized Structured Query Language (SQL).

How do I list tables in tablespace?

To get the tablespaces for all Oracle tables in a particular library: SQL> select table_name, tablespace_name from all_tables where owner = ‘USR00’; To get the tablespace for a particular Oracle index: SQL> select tablespace_name from all_indexes where owner = ‘USR00’ and index_name = ‘Z303_ID’;

What is library in DB2?

IBM DB2 for iSeries – Library and Schema A library is an iSeries system object that serves as a directory to other objects. The library object type has identifier *LIB. Before you can create a database file, you must create a library to store it. Library is called a schema in SQL language.

What is index in DB2?

Index is a set of pointers, which can refer to rows in a table, blocks in MDC or ITC tables, XML data in an XML storage object that are logically ordered by the values of one or more keys. It is created on DB2 table columns to speed up the data access for the queries, and to cluster and partition the data efficiently.

What is tablespace in Db2?

A Db2 table space is a set of volumes on disks that hold the data sets in which tables are actually stored. Every table is stored in table space. A table space consists of a number of VSAM linear data sets. Table spaces are divided into equal-sized units, called pages .

Is Db2 is a database?

Db2 is a family of database management system (DBMS) products from IBM that serve several different operating system (OS) platforms.

What kind of database is Db2?

relational database products
Db2, or Database 2, is a set of relational database products built and offered by IBM. Relational databases enable enterprises to create declarative data models accessible via queries. For this purpose, IBM invented the popular and now standardized Structured Query Language (SQL).

What SQL is used in Db2?

Db2 transforms each SQL statement, that is, the specification of a result table, into a sequence of operations that optimize data retrieval. This transformation occurs when the SQL statement is prepared . This transformation is also known as binding . All executable SQL statements must be prepared before they can run.

What is tablespace in DB2?

What is Qgpl?

QGPL – General Purpose Library that contains IBM-provided objects. The system places newly created objects that are not specifically placed in a distinct library in QGPL.