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What does regulated activity mean in safeguarding?

What does regulated activity mean in safeguarding?

Regulated activity refers to certain roles that involve working with children or vulnerable adults, such as teaching and providing care. Anyone who is on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) barred lists cannot work in these roles.

What is a regulated activity provider?

A regulated activity provider is an organisation or individual responsible for the management or control of regulated activity (paid or unpaid) and makes arrangements for people to work in that activity. This will usually be an employer or a voluntary organisation.

What is a regulated activity in the UK?

Regulated activities are the activities that the Disclosure and Barring Service can bar people from doing. It is a criminal offence for a barred person to seek to work, or work in, activities from which they are barred.

What is regulated activity under FCA?

Generally, an activity is a regulated activity if it is an activity of a specified kind that is carried on by way of business and relates to a specified investment or property of any kind (section 22, FSMA).

What are regulated activities under the FCA?

Claims management activities a financial services or financial product claim. a housing disrepair claim. a claim for a specified benefit. a criminal injury claim.

What is a regulated activity SRA?

Subject to the paragraphs below, any legal activity carried out by authorised individuals or under their direction or supervision will remain an SRA-regulated activity. By authorised individual we mean an individual referred to in s18(1)(a) LSA who is authorised to provide one or more reserved legal activities.

What are the key points of the Health and Social Care Act 2008?

Summary. The Bill seeks to enhance professional regulation and create a new integrated regulator, the Care Quality Commission, for health and adult social care, with focus on providing assurance about the safety and quality of care for patients and service users.